Sunday, January 30, 2011

IP MAN the movie

This movies is bad ass. If you like good movies, and especially good martial arts movies this is for you. I love how they show Wing Chun in this film. For those that don't know Wing Chun is a martial art that was created by a woman. She created a style to defeat larger stronger opponents. The basics are use of skeletal frame, simultaneous attack and defend, short precise attacks, counter attacks and leverage.

The movie isn't historically accurate. However Ip Man was Bruce Lee martial instructor. The movie is about having dignity no matter your circumstance but also allowing others to retain their dignity even when you are superior. That is a continuing theme in many martial arts films. Give respect and you get respect.

There are other Ip Man movies a part 2 and a part 3.
Also there is a Chinese TV series called Wing Chun that I found very enjoyable, with Sammo Hung, (who is in Ip Man 2).

fast forward to 5:58 mark for fight scene.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Latte Art 2

all the Latte art I can find that I liked.

Latte Art

I find it interesting someone can actually make art with a Latte... humans are very creative.



It's obvious that the ones with money own congress, especially the senate. Simple solution, it must be made illegal for congress to take money or at least large sums from corporations. It should be made a rule that only US citizens can give money to their representatives.
Of course the problem of the rich being about to buy congress is still present with this system but at least it will be their personal money and not the money of what is usually a more lucrative corporation.
Perhaps there should be a limit to how much individuals can give as well.
Yes it is a free country but that doesn't mean that one is free to steal an election or a nation or state policy.
There has to be limits and regulation to protect the whole, You know CHECKS AND BALANCES.


I've decided to write short analyzes on the practices, policies, and programs I think need to be changed, reformed or completely done with in the United States of America. However I'm not naive enough to believe a profit based society like the one in the US will completely change for the better of all it's citizens, but I do believe that many things can change for better opportunities of all it's citizens.

I won't focus much, if at all on silly social arguments, for example, to much sex in media or lack of, or too much religion. I find these arguments are used more by people that either have very little understanding, are trying to distract or are simply focused on a small tree in a very large regional forest.

I will attempt to point out a the problem, and then give a simple solution. However I will not even pretend I'm an expert. Only a guy with a bit of insight.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Walking the Line

This is a Documentary on illegal immigration at the American southern border.
I have to start by saying I'm against illegal immigration. Illegal immigration is wrong it's that's simple. Watching the film I was on the side of property rights and rancher protection groups ideas, but not their execution. They look silly out their in the desert chasing after nothing, at times, and then some seem to self destruct.

When they talk to those that think illegal immigration is the fault of Americas policies they are ridicules. It's not the fault of Americas policies that people die in the desert. Those people choose to walk the desert knowing the risk. I don't think these people helping illegals are committing treason, as some of the vigilante members say. However, they aren't helping the situation become better, in fact they are making it worse.

The moment that actually made me angry is when this professor of Latino studies or something like that compared the vigilante groups to the KKK. As if to say this was equal to Black Americas history of civil rights. It is not. Let's compare stories, quickly.
African came as indentured servants, then were brought as slaves. They lived, grew up in America, African heritage taken away so all they know is American culture. They had few human rights (in the north), no civil rights in the south. Then with non violent protest that shamed America, they gained their civil rights. Black people were here from the beginning of America, then brought here against their will, helping to make it prosperous, they are Americans that fought to be seen as such.

The illegals story. They live in crappy places, with poor economies, and no work for them. So they say, "Hey I don't care about America's laws cause I know I can make a better life for myself there." So they choose to come here, or be smuggled here and then expect to be treated as if they have the right to be here.

Human rights are for all, but I think helping people to cross the border is pushing it. That may be cruel but like I said no one is forcing them. If you don't want to die in the desert, don't go into the bloody desert. However I believe many civil rights are only for American citizens.

Second thing that made me anger. Was that drug runners are using Tribal Nation Lands to bring drugs here and the federal government isn't giving them the means to stop this. Then you have this idiot giving illegals water on this land. So now they not only get water but know they will have very little resistance.

The sad thing is many of these people for illegal immigration think we should let anyone into America. American isn't infinite and does not have infinite resources. Most illegals go to the Southwest. Don't they understand the Southwest is running out of water. The more people they bring to this area, not to mention people born here legally to long standing Americans, are not helping that situation.

The only people I have sympathy for are the Tribal nations people, and the property owners, with the drug runner and illegal traffic problems. And women and possibly children who are smuggled over the border for sexual slavery. People coming here for jobs, (and drugs) are illegal and should be deported. Illegals don't help those people that get visa to work here either, after all, why give more visas out when illegals are here working for cheap.

Last note... the people that come here with visas are migrant workers, the ones that get smuggled, and jump the border are illegals.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The END of the Line

This is a documentary about how over fishing is destroying the worlds fish stocks.

I didn't know that blue tuna was on the endanger species list to I saw this movie. The idea I like best from this film is if people were going out and killing tigers, or gorillas or even whales people would be making an uproar. However because it's fish no one seems to care. When the fish run so low, 2030-2040, that we can't take them from the sea for food people will care then.

Damn the world is really fucking up on this PROFIT based system isn't it. I'm not anti-corporate just anti stupid lol.

Needle Thru Brick

This is a very interesting film about how traditional martial arts are disappearing.
One of the things I found most amazing is when an old master said that it would take TEN YEARS to teach a student. The first five were just to learn the kind of person they were. The obvious reason is because you are teaching arts that can kill and you want to be certain that the person that is learning these things won't use them for negative means. It seemed like every old martial arts film I every watch made true.

And for those that watch I think Wushu being taught to children makes sense. Wushu gives conditioning, coordination, and acrobatics, All the cool things we like in our movie martial arts. When they are older they can learn the more traditional forms and hopefully be in the hands of someone that understand how dangerous they could be.

I wish they taught me Wushu when I was a wee one.

FLIGHT FROM DEATH quest for Immortality

This documentary speaks about people's fear of death and how they live their life coping with it subconsciously.

Ants nature secret weapon

Yes I know I watch alot of Documentaries... So many things fascinate me, so I have to have my infotainment. One of the things that always interest me is ants. How can they not they are basically a civilization. They farm and keep livestock, if they start dancing, and writing we should be scared lol.


COMMENTING is now allowed :)


FRACTAL GEOMETRY is very interesting to me... I'm going to get my math up to study this more. At one moment when they are talking about phone lines the example looks like the I CHING.

Self similarity is amazing in nature.

I think it's cool that the mathematician say that Artist were seeing Fractals for ages.