Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Net pix I like

I don't get it but I like it but would never have it.

Pix I like

All this means is we have to be responsible and live in balance.

Bruce Lee

Bruce! Must to have a few pix up of Bruce.

Money is not VOICE

Our words are our voice. When we speak, when we write. That is our expression. Money that is not a voice that is bribe, a sell, an ownership.

How can there be democracy, when it can be bought. How can democracy be true when it's not sustained by the voices of the people.

A democracy that keeps it so, that Money is voice. Is simply bought, sold and owned by those that have means. How can you say all are free?

My voice is free. When I speak it. When I write it. When I express it. Hell when I think it. It makes me free, when it is expressed freely.

When I need a million before those who "represent" me. Work for my common good. Or will even listen to me, to you, to them, to us. I know my country is bought and sold just not to the people.

I, me, you, them, us are not free. Democracy is owned by the voice of money, not the voice of expression. #GETMONEYOUT #OWS #CONGRESS #USA