Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Cartel

I don't understand how someone can defend bad teachers or the system that allows them to stay employed. A Voucher system is the way to go. What are Vouchers? Basically instead of public (tax) money being attached to the school. The public (tax) money is attach to the student. Which mean when you move your child to a different school the funds follow him/her. This has been done in many European school systems for years. It is a logical and better system for all involved, that is except teacher unions and the administrations that syphon off money from children's educations.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


If I was the leader of the Occupy Wall Street movement. I would ask for new laws or reforms of old laws that are agaist corruption of politicians and institions.
I believe what protestors truly want is an end to corruption and irresponsibility by our society as a whole. I believe what they want is change, change that has been talked about but not implemented. The world is changing technologically and socially. Everyone knows it but the society as a whole doesn't seem to be moving forward. Progress. Progress is what we seek. The promise that our potential holds, the advancements we know of but don't come to fruition. We want that Progress, that world, that America.

I intend to write reasons for each of these statements but for now I thought I'll put them out there.

These statements aren't written in any order or importance.

1. Corporations do not have more legal rights or standing before the law then natural citizens. Corporation are not equal to a natural citizen before the law.

2. Money is not voice.

3. GET MONEY OUT OF POLITICS. Only natural persons should and must be able to donate money to campaigns.

a.Congressmen only receive money from the natural citizens of their district.
-Money from others that live in their state would be limited based on what the average person can afford living in that congressmen's district.
-Money from out of the state would be a one-fourth of the amount that those from the native state can afford to contribute.

b.Senators only receive money from the natural citizens of their state.
-Money from outside of the state would be one-tenth that what the average person from the native state can afford to contribute.

c. The President is the only branch that is acceptable to receive sizable donation nationwide from all natural citizens.

d.No foreign money in campaigns from individuals or companies. This include illegal immigrants.

3.Regulations/laws should only be made with the intention of the common well being of all natural citizens.

4.More resources to Regulate the banking sector, pharmecutical companies, food production, and all industries that affect the common well being.

5.More resources to cleaning old polluton sites and regulating the enviromental damage being done by companies now. Companies must take responsible for the proper destruction of waste. Companies must take responsibility for past waste and pollution.

6.Bottle/plastic recycling in every state.

7.No more off the book wars. Lower the defense budget (by a third).

8.Free Healthcare for all citizens.

9.Lower or absolve all student loans interest or debt.

10.Massive Criminal Inquiries into all to big to fail banks. And politicians connected to them for criminal misconduct.

11.Stop foreclosure on homes that were given based on predatory lending. On homes that the banks in question can't produce their own paperwork of ownership.

12.Make any financial incentive given to politicians illegal. Ex. giving IPO stocks, offering jobs after service if they place favoring legislation, etc.

12.Independent bodies with the sole purpose to seek and judicate corruption in politics.

13.Invest in Green Technologies, jobs, sustainable living, and infrastructure. Make clean, green, and sustainable the new building code, and production code for industries. Sustainable the new law of the land.

14.Amend the constitution to say Men and Women are equal.

15.Amen constitution that all citizens have the right to vote and that all voting shall be held on three day weekends (Friday, Saturday, Sunday).

16.All politicians can be recalled if believed they are not acting on behalf of the common good for their constituents. If they are believed to be or have proven to be corrupt or been corrupted. Or are acting on behalf of any other than the natural citizens they represent or country as a whole.

17.All money given to candidates should be open to public.

18.All corporations native to this land should pay their taxes. No exceptions.

19.All wealthy citizens should be paying 39% in taxes after all loopholes.

20.Tax reform, simplify code. Make it more efficient. Less to no loopholes.(More money you make more money is taken.)

21.Change Usury laws to protect the citizens (consumers).

22.Corporations, lobbist can not write legislation. Only legislators.

23.A Technocratic branch of governement (or at least a independent permanent committe) to write laws and protocols dealing with science, engineering, environment, etc.

24.Industries should not be trusted to regulate themselves. If Corporation makes goods or items that can do physical (including medical) harm in the short or long term view they may not regulate themselves. Ex. pollution, chemicals, sanitation waste, etc.

25.No exception to a written law can be given to a politician or corporation that could not be given to the average natural citizen.

26.No nukes. No nuclear weapons, no nuclear power plants, and the proper safe destruction of all nuclear waste created thus far.

27. Lower or stop the outsourcing of jobs.

28.Enforce illegal immigration laws. Reform visa laws to allow to lead to citizenship.

29.Amend Constitution that only those born of citizens are natural citizens.

30.Rebuild American Infrastructure. Roads, bridges, waterworks, sewage works, water works, etc to sustainable levels.

31.Veterans and citizens given at least the same healthcare as those in Congress.

32.When a new law is written the goals and expectation are written with it. If law doesn't meet goals or expectations, goals written can be sited to easily dismiss the law if it fails to meet them.

33.Independent commitee that only task is to go over laws five or more years old to see if they have been productive or are of any use or standing.

34.Pledge from those in office. No full scale wars until America is clean, sustainable and has a strong renewed infrastructure. Any to break this pledge or law, grounds for dismissal.

35.Clean drinking water an alienable right for all citizens.
-Clean breathable air an alienable right for all citizens.
-Clean soil and earth an alienable right for all citizens.

36.NO BAIL in courts. Person should be sent home unless there is evidence that they are a danger to the common wellfair. If such evidence is there then one can be held against their will. Innocent until proven guilty.

37.Stop the war on drugs.

Will add more as I think of them. Or they are presented to me.


Some cool artwork I've come across of Wonder Woman. Many artist like to make depiction of the actress or model they think could portray Wonder Woman in a film or in artwork. Check out this link to read a my Wonder Woman screenplay


Since I've found this group I can not stop listening. This is some good lounging, relaxing or love making music.

Bliss "Breathe" - Buddha Bar

Bliss "So Still"
This is one of my favorite songs.

Bliss "Trust in your love"

Bliss "Trust in your love" - Cafe Del Mar Dreams 7 mix

Bliss "This love"

Bliss "Remember my name"

These are my favorites of their music I keep finding more. I have more I'll place up later.

Mechanical Animals - TED

This I found weird yet very facinating. All I could think of was using these "animals" as beast of burden. They could be used to move things by the military, construction, emergencies during disaster or individual necessities.

SixSenth interface - TED

This is cool. I want my augmented reality devices.

More possible uses of SixSenth.

Robot that fles like a bird. - TED

This is very cool. The people of FESTO do some interesting things.