Monday, July 29, 2013


Kyla Cole is a favorite for all of you that visit my blog. So it didn't take much for me to decide to do this again.

Check out The JRT wants for more pix.

Friday, July 26, 2013


This is SEASON FOUR of EARTHRISE. This is a show on Aljazeera about green technologies and solutions from around the world.

Aljazeera has decided to stop putting this show in my area. So I will place another on when if ever they decide to place such programming in Aljazeera America.
I don't know if this still plays outside of the US. Someone let me know. EPISODE ONE
Gelareh Darabi is so cute. I could watch talk about this stuff for days.




Saturday, July 20, 2013

Breaking the Taboo

This is a documentary about ending the "War on Drugs" globally. Narrated by Morgan Freeman, which partly makes it worth watching alone. In this film Ex-Presidents of many countries speak on their efforts in fighting the Drug War and how none have succeeded.

Colombia - Drugs fund the Cartels and their kidnapping and guerrilla attacks.
Brazil - Drugs fund the favelas drug lords and their guns.
Mexico - Cartels fight for trafficking routes. Government fighting war against Cartels ends in many deaths of soldiers, polices, cartel members and civilians.
USA - Worlds largest consumer of illegal drugs. Five percent of the world's population. Nearly twenty-five percent of the world's incarcerated. A prison industrial complex. More prisoners than China (They have a BILLION people) think about that for a moment.
Afghanistan - After the war it has become the World's largest producer of Heroin.
Russia - Heroin is the biggest threat out of Afghanistan not Terrorism.
Portugal - Decriminalized ALL DRUGS. Drug user don't go to court when arrested but before a board of social workers and psychologist. They have been doing this for ten years.
Switzerland - AIDs was a problem from needles by Heroin users. They gave free needles and placed health above criminalization.
Holland - Where they sell marijuana in cafes. Also place health before criminalization.
Latin American countries regionally are starting to create their own solutions to the drug problem without the United States.

Nixon declared the "War on Drugs" in the united states. Yet his own commission created federal recommendations.
1. Possession for personal use no longer a criminal offense.
2. Non-profit distribution of small amounts no long a criminal offense.

Under Ford decriminalization almost happened. Ten states began to decriminalize.
Under Reagan it became a cluster f@#k. Put more people in prison and create the "just say no" campaign.
Under President Obama no change in the war on drugs, even though he has said it is a utter failure before he took office.

America learned during Alcohol Prohibition that prohibition didn't work. Yet for some reason believes that drug prohibition is working or will work eventually.

I agreed with much in this film but nothing more than this presented idea. Don't be drug free because it's illegal. Be drug free because it takes away the most important thing you have. The ability to decide, the ability to choose.

Saturday, July 6, 2013



Midnight City

For those interested in the story in the video.


"Wait" is the third part of the story.


I'm looking at my blog and realized, I never wrote anything about the BBC's LUTHER. I apologize to any and all for this. Luther is the best cop drama in a long while. Luther (played by Idris Elba)is basically a genius, which makes you wonder why he is a cop. He may also be a psychopath, so he may be afraid of himself too.

The story is very interesting, especially his relationship with Alice (played by Ruth Wilson) a true criminal psychopath and his best friend.

I won't even try to explain, you just have to watch if you haven't already. The third season is coming up soon. If you haven't watch don't worry the BBC series are usually only 6 - 13 episode long. This show is 4 - 6 episode a season. Its so sad cause it's so damn good. Watch this show if you aren't and prepare for season three if you are. If in America it will be on BBC America so check your local listings.

Opening sequence

Massive Attack - Paradise Circus full theme song

P.S. I believe the President of the United States and the First Lady watch of this program. Just an interesting fact.

Tedtalks - Giant Squid Found

Tedtalks - Giant Squid Found Edith Widder: How we found the giant squid

I think the title says it all.

Artwork I like 3

Some of this artwork can be found at the New York Met or museums.
This is not a photo.

Artwork I like 2

Some of this artwork can be found at the New York Met or museums.

Artwork I like

Some of this artwork can be found at the New York Met or museums.

Benjamin Franklin

When I saw this painting/pic I knew I had to place it on my blog. Benjamin Franklin is one of my heroes. The more I learn about this man the more he inspires. I will have to write a blog about him later.

Historical works I like

Artwork from different historical cultures.