Saturday, December 14, 2013


This documentary uses computer animated time lapse video to show the history of the plant Earth. From it's inception to the first ancestor of humanity.

Friday, December 13, 2013


This documentary makes the case for why mankind/NASA should travel and eventually colonize Mars. The title is about a "underground" movement of scientist (who became the Mars Society) that want to go to Mars. They talk about the stagnation of NASA for the last thirty/forty years. How not having a clear goal and leadership has stop them from going back to the moon and been detrimental to Mars missions. If you have an interest in space travel, in the idea of Mars missions and colonization this is a video for you.

Life in the Future

This is a BBC Horizon documentary on the science and technology that are believed will have the biggest impact on human everyday life. Biotech, Nanotechnology, Energy and Space are the four areas of technology focused on.

How Robot WIll Change the World (NHK)

This is a documentary made by the Japanese channel NHK. It is about how many organizations where pushed into making humanoid robots after the Fukushima nuclear incident. Japan, North Korea, and USA are the top contenders to create the first humanoid robots to help in emergency disaster situations.

The video above stop short. The video below has the remainder of the show.

Sunday, December 1, 2013


This is a PBS Nova special called Making Stuff. This particular episode is about bioengineering looking at nature to inspire form, movement, behavior, materials, and manufacturing. If you are interested in engineering or what the future will possible look like this show is for you.

Saturday, November 2, 2013


The beautiful Antoinette Kalaj. Antoinette can be seen in the movie Riddick.

View more risqué pictures at the JRT Wants.

Wonder Woman Messed Up Golden Age Stories

I came across this blog (That I will make a link to when I find it again) that had some interesting pictures in it of DC comics golden age. These are the story ideas I found the most messed up. The golden age of comics had a very mean streak that was "normal" to most Americans. I think the ideas in these stories are more damaging to youngsters than the "sex and violence" most parents are so afraid of.
What makes this messed up? Wonder Woman is a warrior woman from an island of warrior women. The reason they went to this island was to get away for men thinking of them as lesser. Yet Wonder Woman volunteers to be just that, less.

What makes this messed up? Look at the men in this picture. Most of these guys are not warriors or soldiers. Yet the woman trained from birth is not fit enough for them to go to war. Even worse she doesn't complain. She just wishes them luck. I guess after she goes to answer the phone or type up whatever one would.

What makes this messed up? The way they drew the Japanese soldiers during World War Two. Also, looking at how the Justice League treats her. The Japanese soldiers actually show Diana more respect for her warrior abilities than her so called team members.

What makes this messed up? "A very feminine woman... a nurse," this quote and the idea that her mother would be proud basically says every reason the Amazons went to the island doesn't matter. Women shouldn't be warriors it's not feminine. Also it teaches the young boys who read this that women shouldn't be strong. No wonder so many older men are against women being "out of the home" aka want to live as it was in the fifties.

What makes this messed up? From the little I know of Golden Age stories the women always seem to either be boy crazy, stalkerish, or in some love triangle. It basically says that women can't have a story without being indecisive about men. The sad thing is this is still how many shows do stories with young girls today. So I will let it slide in the one where she is a teenager. However the problem is she still has the problem as an adult woman. And even worse she asks the reader to help her. She is so inept that she needs the reader (most likely a male at the time) to help her out. As a woman she can't be expected to do it all alone, right?


The beautiful Gal Ferreira Yates.

View more risqué pictures at the JRT Wants.

Friday, September 20, 2013

The Last Starfighter


Another eighties movie that should be remade is THE LAST STARFIGHTER. This story is a bit crazy but awesome. A young man living in a trailer park plays a arcade game called the Last Star fighter. Come to find out the games is actually a training device, placed by aliens. (Yeah I know, stay with me.) They used the game to find beings from around the galaxy to help in a large war in space. Using space fighters called Gunstars.

The last star fighter arcade game and training device.

The Gunstar fighter spacecraft

Piloting the Gunstar

The Gunstar secret weapon the Death Blossom. When I was a child I thought the Death Blossom was amazing.

I learned there may be a Last Starfighter two in production based on his younger brother in this picture. I think they should remake the movie first.

Thursday, September 19, 2013


Ayelet Zurer in Man of Steel as his mother Lara Lor-Van. I wanted to see more of her. She should of had a computer hologram ghost figure too.