Friday, March 28, 2014


Alison Brie as the American Dream.

Monday, March 24, 2014


Visual Guide to the Marvel Characters Movie Rights.

If for whatever reason you been asking yourself "why don't Marvel add this character to their cinematic Universe or that character"? This is why. Marvel doesn't own the right to some of their characters. The one I want is Namor. I think that would be an amazing movie. Come Universal make this happen or give up the rights.

Rocket Raccoon (doesn't like to be called a raccoon) and Groot the sentient tree. I refuse to call him the living tree. Trees are alive people.

I really like this picture. This has to be a shot in the GotG movie.

Some Guardians of the Galaxies Stills From the ABC Special.

Guardians of the Galaxy trailer


The Scarlet Witch

Some Avenger 2 Age of Ultron concept art.


These are some of my favorite GoPro videos. If you don't know what GoPro is. It's a small high definition camera that can be placed on helmets, sticks, one's wrist, just about anywhere you want. It gives a very personal view or a different perspective.

Lions - The New Endangered Species?
Hang out with Kevin Richardson as he is surrounded by a pride of Lions that see him as a member. He is also a member of a pack of Hyenas.

Red Bull Stratos - The Full Story
Free fall with Felix Baumgartner from the stratosphere, 24 miles above the Earth.

Combing Valparaiso's Hills
Chase, Brian Lopes and Chris Van Dine ride through the streets and hills of Valparaiso Chile.

Let Me Take You To The Mountain
Travis Rice, John Jackson, Chris Davenport, and Lynsey Dyer Ski and Snowboard the Andes Mountains.

A Blonde and a Great White Shark
Freediver Ocean Ramsey swims with a Great White Shark.

Base Jump Movie
Neil Amonson base jumps off cliffs.

Whale Fantasia
I love Alan Watts speaking over this video as three mermaids and humpback whales swim.

Swimming with Dolphins - Santa Cruz, CA
Dolphins ride behind a boat.

The Cape Griffons
South African couple Kerri Wolter and Walter Neser rescue injured birds(Vultures) and release them.

Space Robot TV Commercial- You in HD
James Trosh and his team of scientists launch a toy robot and their GoPro into the stratosphere. A GoPro commercial.

Highest Road In The World
A journey from Jaipur to the highest road in the world, Khardung La, in the Himalayas.



Some more Wonder Woman short films I've come across. People want this movie so strongly they create their own. They can't wait for Warner Brothers studios and DC studios to act.
Check out my Wonder Woman script. Tell me what you think.
My wonder woman tumblr for those of you interesting in pix Gorgeous Wonders.

Wonder Woman // Into the World // Short by Richard Allen Presents

Wonder Woman // a short by Rainfall Films
This one is very popular.

I would like to see a movie useing some elements of both these short films.

Wonder Woman and Barda vs The Furies
This from the animated movie Superman\Batman - Apocalypse.

Wonder Woman vs. Deimos
This is from Wonder Woman (2009) animated movie.

Wonder Woman vs Darkseid (SPOILER ALERT this is the end of the movie so if you don't want to see it don't watch this clip)
This is a clip from the animated movie Justice League: War.

They use Wonder Woman correctly in the animated movies. They aren't afraid to let her be a warrior in the animated movies. She isn't this bad ass in some of the comics. And of course she isn't in the live action movies. But in the animated universe she is awesome.


Pure Science Specials: Powering the Planet: Earth Operating Manual. This documentary is about Geologist Richard Alley as he travels the world attempting to figure out how much Renewable energy the earth can produce. The key moment in this show is when they say America needs to create a sustainable energy program for the next fifty years not for the next two to four with each new Administration.

When I watch shows like this. When I see the plans that are in development or being planned this is what comes to mind.
I would add "ALOT MORE!" Then I remember here in the USA economics and politics (mostly politics) is the reason why.

It seems many of these ideas have government backing around the world but it always seem they aren't being funded nearly as much as say the military. The saddest thing is many other countries have these huge national infrastructure plans while in America local small projects are the best one can hope for.

Saturday, March 22, 2014


More pictures of the beautiful cosplay model Yaya Han.


Pictures I've found on the internet I thought were funny or humorous.