Girl With the Pearl Earring by Banksy

More artwork I've found from the web I like. Banksy did his own version of Vermeer's Girl with the Pearl Earring.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

ARROW season 3 episode 2

Arrow is my favorite show on TV. So to become an advocate for the show I have decided to place some episodes on here.

This is episode two of season three on hulu. You can also find it on

If you want to watch seasons one and two, you can find them on Netflix and probably iTunes.



This documentaries series is about the effect the industrial revolution is having on Earth's living system. It is meant to inspire people to tell their representatives and leaders around the world that we need to protect humanities present and future. And to get people on the local level to make changes individually and in communities. To learn more go to

CARBON is the first episode. It focuses on the carbon still in the ground. How to find a way to keep it in the ground. And how to regulate the price of atmospheric pollution.

THE LAST DAYS is the second episode. It focuses on the tipping points of climate change created from putting so much carbon in the atmosphere.

GREEN WORLD RISING is the third episode. It focuses on the changes that would be needed in life and technologies to make a clean environment.

Friday, October 17, 2014

ARROW SEASON 3 episode 1

Arrow is my favorite show on TV. So to become an advocate for the show I have decided to place some episodes on here.

This is episode one of season three on hulu. You can also find it on

If you want to watch seasons one and two, you can find them on Netflix and probably iTunes.


The gorgeous Shivani Gai can be found on SyFy's Dominion.