Sunday, November 9, 2014

ARROW season 3 episode 4

Arrow is my favorite show on TV. So to become an advocate for the show I have decided to place some episodes on here.

This is "The Magician" episode four of season three on hulu. You can also find it on

Monday, November 3, 2014


This Frontline Report is about how bacteria and viruses are becoming resistant to antibiotics. On America farms animals are fed antibiotics to keep them from becoming sick but this may be leading to dangerous new resistant bacteria. Also in hospital new superbugs are on the rise that are resistant to antibiotics and are highly infectious.
This report shows how the thinking "the markets will stop something bad" mentality is so wrong. Here we have a situation where people may be becoming sick, where worse situation and possible epidemic may be caused. But they can't or won't be stopped by people, or government because industry has too much money and therefor to much corrupting influence on politician, people and sadly the science. Because without a "smoking gun" many will happily allow themselves to be infected or allow the possibility. They will stop the science or allow it to not continue or be in depth so they can have cheap food and so the industry can continue to make fortunes.

Sunday, November 2, 2014


The beautiful Rachel Nichols is a movie and television actress. She is on one of my favorite shows Continuum. I wrote a blog about it you can see it here. She should get more roles especially in movies her acting on Continuum has proven she can do so much more.


This woman is sexy an beautiful and her legs are amazing.