Flight of the Navigator


Another movie that should be remade is Flight of the Navigator. There are certain movies, books, television shows from my childhood that had a great influence on my mind and the way I think. The flight of the Navigator took my imagination as a child to an amazing place.
The story of flight of the navigator is of this A.I. operated spaceship that is injured, if I remember right, by crashing into power lines. Yeah I know you are thinking this spaceship can be injured by power lines. One it was an eighties film, two it was a kids film and three I could be wrong. It's been years. The A.I. has placed its charts into this boy. I don't remember why. When the boy comes to him he uses him to chart and travel through space and time again. Hence the boy is the navigator.

What I liked about this movie, as a kid, was the idea of operating this amazing ship. Imagine you can go anywhere in the universe, see anything and everything. You can see new forms of life. Which the kid accidently does cause the A.I. has specimens on board the ship.
At the helm of the ship.

Stepping out of the ship. The ship steps would be liquid then solidify. When I was a kid I thought this was the coolest thing I had ever seen.

When the ship went faster it's solid form became like liquid to make it more aerodynamic and slicker. The second coolest thing I ever saw as a kid.

Caleb Thomas

The artwork of Caleb Thomas.

Tomb Raider


The last Airbender The Legend of Korra

Powerpuff Girls concepts
