Friday, May 29, 2015

Attack on Titan live action movie

I came across this amazing Subaru car ad online for Attack on Titan or Shingeki No Kyojin live action Japanese movie. This is for fans of Attack on Titan

Titans chasing a car. That is so cool. When I saw pictures of this on tumblr I knew what it was immediately.

And for those fans loving the car ad. Here is the trailer for the live action movie.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Fifteen dollars an hour is good for the Economy

The Big Picture: 10 Ideas To Save The Economy by former Labor Secretary Robert Reich and

This short video explains why fifteen dollars an hour for minimum wage is good for the American Econonmy. Watch this it's less than three minutes long and it makes sense.

What I find funny is no one I have seen on television has ever been able to show when raising the minimum wage has ever hurt local or national economies. You would think they would take any example and try to push it to make their point, no matter how flimsy it would be.

Monday, May 25, 2015

FRONTLINE The Trouble with Chicken

If you ever hear a free market person say... "We don't need regulations cause the free market will handle it". You say to them then, "Why didn't it with Foster Farms and it's year long salmonella outbreak".
This PBS Frontline special is one of the best examples that shows free markets don't correct the bad and dangerous behaviors of companies. This case shows the sad lack of regulators either not having the power to do anything to help and protect people from companies dangerous behaviors or not having the authority to do anything or worse not having the will to do. How weak the congress is... (Why are the same people in power that have been since the sixties, seventies, and eighties I have no clue cause the majority of them seem so inept at doing what is right for the people.) At one point in this documentary I thought the Secretary of Agriculture was speaking as a representative of Foster Farms not as a government official there to help and serve the people of America. The corruption through all of this is extreme.

Sidenote: I said this before but when you watch anything about the government and people start talking about how lobbyist are to strong. What they are really saying is politicians have been bought off. They are saying politicians are corrupted by money. That politicians have been bribed.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

VICE MOTHERBOARD Magic Wand that cleans up Oil spills

Physicist Arden Warner thinks of an amazing way to clean up oil spills that are safe for the environment using organically magnetic substances already found in oceans.
All oil companies should be giving this man money for more research and to develop the tech.

Leads me to say (If we are not):

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Artwork I like 5

Historical artwork from around the world.

Artwork I like 4

Past artwork from around the world.

Black Wall Street

This video is about an area of Tulsa Oklahoma called Greenwood and it's main street also known as the Black Wall Street. Greenwood was the exact thing white people always say black people should do. "Do for yourself", "pull yourself up by your bootstraps". The problem is once they did the white men coming from WW1, jobless and in dire straits became jealous. The Ku Klux Klan would use this to rile them up and get them to riot, murder and destroy this prosperous community.
It happened in June 1921. The whites robbed, beat, and killed people. They robbed and burned down black people homes and businesses as well. They placed machine guns on trucks and on top of a hill, firing at people. I don't know how many people were killed but it could have been a couple thousand or so (later things I've seen says it was over three thousand). It was the Klan that were the ringleaders but many others would join in on the looting and killing. Many were jealous because so many of the black living in the area were wealthy or doing financially well.
The black community, known as Greenwood, aka black wall street aka little Africa would have the dollar circulated in it's community 8, 12, 30, to a hundred times before it left the community. The community believed in educating every child. They believed in "nepotism" as a way of life. Nepotism is defined as, the practice among those with power or influence of favoring relatives or friends, especially by giving them jobs.
For more information Click this to read the wiki page.