Flash tv show

I can't believe I haven't written this sooner. If you read my post on the Arrow tv show then you know I love that show. Yes, I know season three and four were not as strong as season one and two. But no, I don't think they were horrible, nor do I do as many viewers do and let "Olicity" overshadow every other story happening. From Arrow sprang the Flash. The Flash is not a spin-off but it is in the same "Universe". What this means is the shows have crossovers, characters will be on each other's programs and they will be mentioned and help the other character many times off-screen.
The Flash is a good show. It is different from Arrow in many ways. First, the Flash has superpowers. He is a speedster, this means he can move at insanely fast speeds. He can run so fast he can literally run forward or backward in time. Something he learns only creates many, many, many problems. The show is more lighthearted than Arrow. For one the hero has never been a killer. He doesn't believe in doing such things. He also has more fun in fighting crime and the people of Central City where he lives actually love having him around.
If you like the idea of watching a superhero show that is fun, and adventurous you will like the Flash. You don't have to watch Arrow to understand the Flash except when they do crossover episode but they only do these once a year.


Highlander the series is a show that has had a great deal of an effect on my personality. I LOVED THIS SHOW. Absolutely loved this show. I think I've seen most of the episodes five to ten times. This show is one of my top ten favorite shows of all time. I was watching the series again a couple years back and still found episodes I had not seen. Which was a great. This is the show that made me really love the Highlander series. The movies were good but nothing close to how in-depth the show could be. If they make another Highlander series, maybe on Netflix. I'm all in.
This show helped me to understand what honor really is. One of the things about Duncan Mcleod that I liked was he had all these years of experience, that he actually learned from. Duncan had a code of justice that he lived by but many times you found yourself, as the audience member, seeing both side and not sure if Duncan justice was always the right way or the more righteous.
I have gotten ahead of myself. For those that don't know this series or the Highlander franchise, the story goes like this. There are Immortals among us. They can only be killed if you cut there heads off releasing "the Quickening". When an immortal is killed the closet to them, usually their killer absorbs their quickening gaining all their power. In the end, "there can be only one. May it be Duncan Mcleod the Highlander". When the show begins Duncan is four hundred years old. You soon learn there are immortals that are far older.
If you like history, sword fighting, some philosophy, and interesting characters give this show a try. Writing this has made me want to watch a few episodes again.


Kenjutsu is a term to cover all Japanese forms of swordsmanship, Kendo and Iaido. Kenjutsu means "the method or technique of the sword" .

I have wanted to know how to do proper swordsmanship since I can remember. When I found out that in Japan they do swordsmanship in school I think I actually felt jealousy. Sometimes I believe I was born in the wrong time period because to me swordsmanship had far more honor than gunmanship. I don't ascribe to silly notions of why tho. I believe it is more honorable simply because it takes far more training and skill to use. When you fought your enemy it had to be face to face pitting once ability against the other.