Friday, August 10, 2018

Ash Thorp Art

i like the art of these images.

Person of Interest

Person of Interest is an amazing show. The show is about an inventor who creates the worlds first true A.I. (artificial intelligence).
The government takes the A.I. to find and stop terrorist. However the A.I. is able to also see premeditated murders. But the government does not see those are relevant. He creates a backdoor, a means for the A.I. to speak to him after he has faked his death. He uses the intel of the A.I. to help people. He find a man who is depressed and suicidal but also an ex special agent. Together with a New York police officer they save people based on the information THE MACHINE sends them.
It starts as stories to help individuals but begins to grow to tell the story of police, and government corruptions, crime, spy intrigue, and more. It continues to A.I.s fighting each other in a cold world war.
If you want to watch a grounded sci-fi show this is the one. The thing is this show could be or can be real very soon.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018