Saturday, March 1, 2014


ARROW on the CW channel is one of my all time favorite shows. This show is too good. For those that do not know. Arrow is based on a DC comic character named Oliver Queen aka the Green Arrow. Now some read or hear this and think I'm not interested in that. It sounds lame or boring. Trust me this show is not. If anything it has a great deal happening every season and sometimes in individual episodes. The show runners recreate the heroes and the villains of the show in more realistic terms. Superpowers are at the minimum.
The basis of the show is this. Oliver Queen is a young billionaire playboy who does drugs, womanizes, and is irresponsible. He is shipwrecked on a small deserted island. Five years later he returns home to Starling City. Before his father dies he gives Oliver a book of names. These are names of individual who have corrupted and abused the city and it's citizens for their own agendas and greed.
He wears the Hood that he wore on the island becoming a vigilante. Attacking those that he proclaims have "Failed the City". In fact the people call him the Hood. Later he calls himself the Arrow. One thing that may surprise new audiences is that Oliver has no problem with killing criminals.
John Diggle is Oliver's confidant he helps to keep him from becoming emotionally unstable or moreso.

The beautiful Felicity Smoak is the computer expert.

The show has flashback of Oliver's time on the island. The relationships he makes there. The skills he learns there. How the island changes him. Sometimes the flashback have lessons that correspond with what he is dealing with in the present in Starling City. Sometimes the stories in the past are more interesting than the present.

Oliver, Diggle, and Felicity make up the core of the team.

From the name of the show you can guess that Oliver is an Archer.

Many DC comics heroes and villains come on to the show. Some are referenced. The Huntress and Canary are two recurring characters.
Oliver and the Huntress.

Oliver and Canary.

One of the best things about the show is SLADE WILSON aka Deathstroke played by Manu Bennett.

A trailer of the first season to give you an idea of how amazing this show is.

Watch this show.

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