Friday, December 26, 2014


I've been watching CinemaSins on youtube lately. CinemaSin makes jokes of the mistakes, inaccuracies or plot holes in movies. They point out obvious things I have noticed wrong with the stories in movies but it's funny when they show things I was not aware of. When it's a movie I like I tend to not focus on these mistakes. When it's a movie I don't like or is overhyped I see these problems throughout the film. Here are a couple I enjoyed watching.

The videos are usually short so they won't take much time to watch. Most fall under seven minutes. The longest I've seen on their list of films is a little over twenty minutes. So movies sin more than others I guess.
Oh and for those that need to be know this.. these videos have heavy spoilers... so if you don't want to know about these films yet don't watch these.

The Hunger Games

The Dark Knight Rises

The Hobbit

Just have to say... seriously what is up with Middle Earth in the narrow cosways and no railings. This is death waiting to happen for many for no reason.

The Transformers

The X-Men

Fight Club

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