This blog will discuss the things of life that I find interesting in general. Politics, TV, Movies, WOMEN, Opulence, Science, Sci-fi, etc.
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
The Cartel
I don't understand how someone can defend bad teachers or the system that allows them to stay employed. A Voucher system is the way to go. What are Vouchers? Basically instead of public (tax) money being attached to the school. The public (tax) money is attach to the student. Which mean when you move your child to a different school the funds follow him/her. This has been done in many European school systems for years. It is a logical and better system for all involved, that is except teacher unions and the administrations that syphon off money from children's educations.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
If I was the leader of the Occupy Wall Street movement. I would ask for new laws or reforms of old laws that are agaist corruption of politicians and institions.
I believe what protestors truly want is an end to corruption and irresponsibility by our society as a whole. I believe what they want is change, change that has been talked about but not implemented. The world is changing technologically and socially. Everyone knows it but the society as a whole doesn't seem to be moving forward. Progress. Progress is what we seek. The promise that our potential holds, the advancements we know of but don't come to fruition. We want that Progress, that world, that America.
I intend to write reasons for each of these statements but for now I thought I'll put them out there.
These statements aren't written in any order or importance.
1. Corporations do not have more legal rights or standing before the law then natural citizens. Corporation are not equal to a natural citizen before the law.
2. Money is not voice.
3. GET MONEY OUT OF POLITICS. Only natural persons should and must be able to donate money to campaigns.
a.Congressmen only receive money from the natural citizens of their district.
-Money from others that live in their state would be limited based on what the average person can afford living in that congressmen's district.
-Money from out of the state would be a one-fourth of the amount that those from the native state can afford to contribute.
b.Senators only receive money from the natural citizens of their state.
-Money from outside of the state would be one-tenth that what the average person from the native state can afford to contribute.
c. The President is the only branch that is acceptable to receive sizable donation nationwide from all natural citizens.
d.No foreign money in campaigns from individuals or companies. This include illegal immigrants.
3.Regulations/laws should only be made with the intention of the common well being of all natural citizens.
4.More resources to Regulate the banking sector, pharmecutical companies, food production, and all industries that affect the common well being.
5.More resources to cleaning old polluton sites and regulating the enviromental damage being done by companies now. Companies must take responsible for the proper destruction of waste. Companies must take responsibility for past waste and pollution.
6.Bottle/plastic recycling in every state.
7.No more off the book wars. Lower the defense budget (by a third).
8.Free Healthcare for all citizens.
9.Lower or absolve all student loans interest or debt.
10.Massive Criminal Inquiries into all to big to fail banks. And politicians connected to them for criminal misconduct.
11.Stop foreclosure on homes that were given based on predatory lending. On homes that the banks in question can't produce their own paperwork of ownership.
12.Make any financial incentive given to politicians illegal. Ex. giving IPO stocks, offering jobs after service if they place favoring legislation, etc.
12.Independent bodies with the sole purpose to seek and judicate corruption in politics.
13.Invest in Green Technologies, jobs, sustainable living, and infrastructure. Make clean, green, and sustainable the new building code, and production code for industries. Sustainable the new law of the land.
14.Amend the constitution to say Men and Women are equal.
15.Amen constitution that all citizens have the right to vote and that all voting shall be held on three day weekends (Friday, Saturday, Sunday).
16.All politicians can be recalled if believed they are not acting on behalf of the common good for their constituents. If they are believed to be or have proven to be corrupt or been corrupted. Or are acting on behalf of any other than the natural citizens they represent or country as a whole.
17.All money given to candidates should be open to public.
18.All corporations native to this land should pay their taxes. No exceptions.
19.All wealthy citizens should be paying 39% in taxes after all loopholes.
20.Tax reform, simplify code. Make it more efficient. Less to no loopholes.(More money you make more money is taken.)
21.Change Usury laws to protect the citizens (consumers).
22.Corporations, lobbist can not write legislation. Only legislators.
23.A Technocratic branch of governement (or at least a independent permanent committe) to write laws and protocols dealing with science, engineering, environment, etc.
24.Industries should not be trusted to regulate themselves. If Corporation makes goods or items that can do physical (including medical) harm in the short or long term view they may not regulate themselves. Ex. pollution, chemicals, sanitation waste, etc.
25.No exception to a written law can be given to a politician or corporation that could not be given to the average natural citizen.
26.No nukes. No nuclear weapons, no nuclear power plants, and the proper safe destruction of all nuclear waste created thus far.
27. Lower or stop the outsourcing of jobs.
28.Enforce illegal immigration laws. Reform visa laws to allow to lead to citizenship.
29.Amend Constitution that only those born of citizens are natural citizens.
30.Rebuild American Infrastructure. Roads, bridges, waterworks, sewage works, water works, etc to sustainable levels.
31.Veterans and citizens given at least the same healthcare as those in Congress.
32.When a new law is written the goals and expectation are written with it. If law doesn't meet goals or expectations, goals written can be sited to easily dismiss the law if it fails to meet them.
33.Independent commitee that only task is to go over laws five or more years old to see if they have been productive or are of any use or standing.
34.Pledge from those in office. No full scale wars until America is clean, sustainable and has a strong renewed infrastructure. Any to break this pledge or law, grounds for dismissal.
35.Clean drinking water an alienable right for all citizens.
-Clean breathable air an alienable right for all citizens.
-Clean soil and earth an alienable right for all citizens.
36.NO BAIL in courts. Person should be sent home unless there is evidence that they are a danger to the common wellfair. If such evidence is there then one can be held against their will. Innocent until proven guilty.
37.Stop the war on drugs.
Will add more as I think of them. Or they are presented to me.
I believe what protestors truly want is an end to corruption and irresponsibility by our society as a whole. I believe what they want is change, change that has been talked about but not implemented. The world is changing technologically and socially. Everyone knows it but the society as a whole doesn't seem to be moving forward. Progress. Progress is what we seek. The promise that our potential holds, the advancements we know of but don't come to fruition. We want that Progress, that world, that America.
I intend to write reasons for each of these statements but for now I thought I'll put them out there.
These statements aren't written in any order or importance.
1. Corporations do not have more legal rights or standing before the law then natural citizens. Corporation are not equal to a natural citizen before the law.
2. Money is not voice.
3. GET MONEY OUT OF POLITICS. Only natural persons should and must be able to donate money to campaigns.
a.Congressmen only receive money from the natural citizens of their district.
-Money from others that live in their state would be limited based on what the average person can afford living in that congressmen's district.
-Money from out of the state would be a one-fourth of the amount that those from the native state can afford to contribute.
b.Senators only receive money from the natural citizens of their state.
-Money from outside of the state would be one-tenth that what the average person from the native state can afford to contribute.
c. The President is the only branch that is acceptable to receive sizable donation nationwide from all natural citizens.
d.No foreign money in campaigns from individuals or companies. This include illegal immigrants.
3.Regulations/laws should only be made with the intention of the common well being of all natural citizens.
4.More resources to Regulate the banking sector, pharmecutical companies, food production, and all industries that affect the common well being.
5.More resources to cleaning old polluton sites and regulating the enviromental damage being done by companies now. Companies must take responsible for the proper destruction of waste. Companies must take responsibility for past waste and pollution.
6.Bottle/plastic recycling in every state.
7.No more off the book wars. Lower the defense budget (by a third).
8.Free Healthcare for all citizens.
9.Lower or absolve all student loans interest or debt.
10.Massive Criminal Inquiries into all to big to fail banks. And politicians connected to them for criminal misconduct.
11.Stop foreclosure on homes that were given based on predatory lending. On homes that the banks in question can't produce their own paperwork of ownership.
12.Make any financial incentive given to politicians illegal. Ex. giving IPO stocks, offering jobs after service if they place favoring legislation, etc.
12.Independent bodies with the sole purpose to seek and judicate corruption in politics.
13.Invest in Green Technologies, jobs, sustainable living, and infrastructure. Make clean, green, and sustainable the new building code, and production code for industries. Sustainable the new law of the land.
14.Amend the constitution to say Men and Women are equal.
15.Amen constitution that all citizens have the right to vote and that all voting shall be held on three day weekends (Friday, Saturday, Sunday).
16.All politicians can be recalled if believed they are not acting on behalf of the common good for their constituents. If they are believed to be or have proven to be corrupt or been corrupted. Or are acting on behalf of any other than the natural citizens they represent or country as a whole.
17.All money given to candidates should be open to public.
18.All corporations native to this land should pay their taxes. No exceptions.
19.All wealthy citizens should be paying 39% in taxes after all loopholes.
20.Tax reform, simplify code. Make it more efficient. Less to no loopholes.(More money you make more money is taken.)
21.Change Usury laws to protect the citizens (consumers).
22.Corporations, lobbist can not write legislation. Only legislators.
23.A Technocratic branch of governement (or at least a independent permanent committe) to write laws and protocols dealing with science, engineering, environment, etc.
24.Industries should not be trusted to regulate themselves. If Corporation makes goods or items that can do physical (including medical) harm in the short or long term view they may not regulate themselves. Ex. pollution, chemicals, sanitation waste, etc.
25.No exception to a written law can be given to a politician or corporation that could not be given to the average natural citizen.
26.No nukes. No nuclear weapons, no nuclear power plants, and the proper safe destruction of all nuclear waste created thus far.
27. Lower or stop the outsourcing of jobs.
28.Enforce illegal immigration laws. Reform visa laws to allow to lead to citizenship.
29.Amend Constitution that only those born of citizens are natural citizens.
30.Rebuild American Infrastructure. Roads, bridges, waterworks, sewage works, water works, etc to sustainable levels.
31.Veterans and citizens given at least the same healthcare as those in Congress.
32.When a new law is written the goals and expectation are written with it. If law doesn't meet goals or expectations, goals written can be sited to easily dismiss the law if it fails to meet them.
33.Independent commitee that only task is to go over laws five or more years old to see if they have been productive or are of any use or standing.
34.Pledge from those in office. No full scale wars until America is clean, sustainable and has a strong renewed infrastructure. Any to break this pledge or law, grounds for dismissal.
35.Clean drinking water an alienable right for all citizens.
-Clean breathable air an alienable right for all citizens.
-Clean soil and earth an alienable right for all citizens.
36.NO BAIL in courts. Person should be sent home unless there is evidence that they are a danger to the common wellfair. If such evidence is there then one can be held against their will. Innocent until proven guilty.
37.Stop the war on drugs.
Will add more as I think of them. Or they are presented to me.
Some cool artwork I've come across of Wonder Woman. Many artist like to make depiction of the actress or model they think could portray Wonder Woman in a film or in artwork. Check out this link to read a my Wonder Woman screenplay
computer art,
wonder woman
Since I've found this group I can not stop listening. This is some good lounging, relaxing or love making music.
Bliss "Breathe" - Buddha Bar
Bliss "So Still"
This is one of my favorite songs.
Bliss "Trust in your love"
Bliss "Trust in your love" - Cafe Del Mar Dreams 7 mix
Bliss "This love"
Bliss "Remember my name"
These are my favorites of their music I keep finding more. I have more I'll place up later.
Bliss "So Still"
This is one of my favorite songs.
Bliss "Trust in your love"
Bliss "Trust in your love" - Cafe Del Mar Dreams 7 mix
Bliss "Remember my name"
These are my favorites of their music I keep finding more. I have more I'll place up later.
ambient music,
music I like,
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Mechanical Animals - TED
This I found weird yet very facinating. All I could think of was using these "animals" as beast of burden. They could be used to move things by the military, construction, emergencies during disaster or individual necessities.
SixSenth interface - TED
This is cool. I want my augmented reality devices.
More possible uses of SixSenth.
More possible uses of SixSenth.
Robot that fles like a bird. - TED
This is very cool. The people of FESTO do some interesting things.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Money is not VOICE
Our words are our voice. When we speak, when we write. That is our expression. Money that is not a voice that is bribe, a sell, an ownership.
How can there be democracy, when it can be bought. How can democracy be true when it's not sustained by the voices of the people.
A democracy that keeps it so, that Money is voice. Is simply bought, sold and owned by those that have means. How can you say all are free?
My voice is free. When I speak it. When I write it. When I express it. Hell when I think it. It makes me free, when it is expressed freely.
When I need a million before those who "represent" me. Work for my common good. Or will even listen to me, to you, to them, to us. I know my country is bought and sold just not to the people.
I, me, you, them, us are not free. Democracy is owned by the voice of money, not the voice of expression. #GETMONEYOUT #OWS #CONGRESS #USA
How can there be democracy, when it can be bought. How can democracy be true when it's not sustained by the voices of the people.
A democracy that keeps it so, that Money is voice. Is simply bought, sold and owned by those that have means. How can you say all are free?
My voice is free. When I speak it. When I write it. When I express it. Hell when I think it. It makes me free, when it is expressed freely.
When I need a million before those who "represent" me. Work for my common good. Or will even listen to me, to you, to them, to us. I know my country is bought and sold just not to the people.
I, me, you, them, us are not free. Democracy is owned by the voice of money, not the voice of expression. #GETMONEYOUT #OWS #CONGRESS #USA
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
White Guilt or Empathy - Note to Conservatives/Liberals
Conservatives seem to have a number of thoughts in there head about "reverse racism" and other things so I thought I'll weigh in on some of these ideas.
The arguement about blacks being more unemployed and commiting more crimes not being because of Racism, is only partly true. Yes there are many black people who work hard and become employed in belittling to great jobs. However the historical reasons behind that unemployment is easily documented. The reasons are only partly Racial but mostly economical.
Corporations employed many blacks early in the last century because they were cheap labor. Around the 50's they began to leave urban areas for more white surburban, and rural areas, giving jobs to mostly whites. (I'm not saying every corporate head did this cause he was racist, race is only one factor.)
In fact this outsourcing of jobs is the same thing White American is now complaing about because many of those jobs have now gone over seas. (No this does mean I'm saying its not about race, cause Asians haven never been denegrated to the extent as those of African and also Native American heritages). And just like how blacks (a small part of the population) began to use illegal means to suppliment their income. In white neighborhoods all over American, it is has been documented that crime, especially drug distribution, and use, is on the rise.
Saying that, since the 80s it has also been well documented that a young black males caught selling drugs or in possession of drugs with no violence, will most likely be sent to prison. While a young white male selling drugs or in the possession of drugs with no violence is highly more likely to be sent to rehab or placed on probation. I think that explains itself.
The thing about not making white people feel bad. For some reason many think that white or black people should not make fun of white people. No wait they think they should not be able to make white people feel guilty. That seems to be their arguement. Don't make white people feel guilty in your jokes! Well you don't have to look at it as they are feeling guilty. In fact many Liberals don't think it's all guilt. Most of them would say it's mostly Empathy.
They have this crazy idea in there head that America as a whole has had some bad cultural, economical polices in history and some know that has had a bad effect on Black people. I wonder where they get this idea. I already know you will say,
'yeah but that was in the past now "blacks have it great". For some reason conservatives don't seem to think bigots in America don't exist anymore. True they don't have the power they once had politically and culturally before the civil rights act. But all those people didn't just die when the Civil Right bills were past and they didn't all just say "You know, they are right why did I put so much hate on these people, they are ok by me and I'll teach my children and grandchildren the same". So if you want to think that bigotry doesn't still exist look at what I said about young blacks going to jail, while young whites go to rehab (Unless of course it's a privitized prison or juvenile detention center. In the last five years they have been sending far more young white kids to prison, but that's greed.)
Another arguement is don't bunch all white people together. This I would agree with. What ever their origin their are different white people. Some are new to America and don't really understand all of the historical and cultural infigting. So many say, "I and my family had nothing to do with all of that slavery and segregations stuff." But then I would say why are you taking any side at all. You'll say, "Because I'm white." I'll say, "So what." You say all white people shouldn't be lump together but if you weren't lumping yourself with all whites to some degree, the "guilt trip" none of it, would bother you. So you need to figure that out. You would say well other lump me in. I'll say, "Well tell them your family came recently, after all that other stuff. If that isn't enought to deter them they are irrational. Just move on.
Of course then you have people who have been during those dark times. Or their family were there. Their families may even had participated. They say, "yeah but that wasn't me, that was them. Don't blame me from stuff in the past." One of those sins of my father agruments. Of course in the bible the sins of your father did weigh on you as well.
There is a underlining thing to that "guilt" or empathy. If you say that because whites now, had nothing to do with slavery or segregation they shouldn't feel guilt for it. Well that's not actually true, but not only for whites, black should have some guilt but only a small degree, foreigners now citizens should feel some guilt or empathy to a small or great degree(empathy great, guilt small). And anyone else living in America. Why you say? Because you benefit from slavery. Every person living in America does, it doesn't matter how long they or their family have been here, is benefitting off slavery. America wouldn't be the economic powerhouse it is today without slavery. That is a fact.
The idea that because you weren't physically there it should not matter to you or anyone else. Well if I follow that logic completely. You or me or anyone else can't call themselves American. America was created in the American Revolution. So only those that were in the Revolution can be Americans. Of course we don't do this. We, all of us that call ourselves Americans, have benefitted from the acts of those people. From the acts of the people during the Civil War to keep America whole, and from those of War World two that protected it from possibly being conquered.
You can't say well I benefit from those things and they were "positive" (the quotes are because it's war) in history so I'll feel a connection to that but slavery makes me feel things I don't like so I'll say "don't blame me for that." Another example is Native Americans, the conquering and also theft (I say theft when treaties were made and then dishonored, that's not conquering) of Native lands. We are able to live here because of that, but having Empathy or some degree of guilt not just for what was done but how NAs are treated now by America should be felt. People that feel this realize that it wasn't just noble acts but also dishonorable acts that made their comfortable lifes.
Being an American, No matter you Origins, no matter the length you or your family has been American. You benefit from the blood, sweat and tears of all these people. Whether it be noble act or a stain on our history. As an American you have to take the good with the bad, because you are benefitting from them. Whether you like it or not. Only way to change that is to not be or live in America (Why the hell would anyone not want to). So what does it hurt you to have some empathy. The only way the logic works of denying slavery, is if you say nothing in the past affects life now, or makes life now. Which is a ludicrous statement.
The arguement about blacks being more unemployed and commiting more crimes not being because of Racism, is only partly true. Yes there are many black people who work hard and become employed in belittling to great jobs. However the historical reasons behind that unemployment is easily documented. The reasons are only partly Racial but mostly economical.
Corporations employed many blacks early in the last century because they were cheap labor. Around the 50's they began to leave urban areas for more white surburban, and rural areas, giving jobs to mostly whites. (I'm not saying every corporate head did this cause he was racist, race is only one factor.)
In fact this outsourcing of jobs is the same thing White American is now complaing about because many of those jobs have now gone over seas. (No this does mean I'm saying its not about race, cause Asians haven never been denegrated to the extent as those of African and also Native American heritages). And just like how blacks (a small part of the population) began to use illegal means to suppliment their income. In white neighborhoods all over American, it is has been documented that crime, especially drug distribution, and use, is on the rise.
Saying that, since the 80s it has also been well documented that a young black males caught selling drugs or in possession of drugs with no violence, will most likely be sent to prison. While a young white male selling drugs or in the possession of drugs with no violence is highly more likely to be sent to rehab or placed on probation. I think that explains itself.
The thing about not making white people feel bad. For some reason many think that white or black people should not make fun of white people. No wait they think they should not be able to make white people feel guilty. That seems to be their arguement. Don't make white people feel guilty in your jokes! Well you don't have to look at it as they are feeling guilty. In fact many Liberals don't think it's all guilt. Most of them would say it's mostly Empathy.
They have this crazy idea in there head that America as a whole has had some bad cultural, economical polices in history and some know that has had a bad effect on Black people. I wonder where they get this idea. I already know you will say,
'yeah but that was in the past now "blacks have it great". For some reason conservatives don't seem to think bigots in America don't exist anymore. True they don't have the power they once had politically and culturally before the civil rights act. But all those people didn't just die when the Civil Right bills were past and they didn't all just say "You know, they are right why did I put so much hate on these people, they are ok by me and I'll teach my children and grandchildren the same". So if you want to think that bigotry doesn't still exist look at what I said about young blacks going to jail, while young whites go to rehab (Unless of course it's a privitized prison or juvenile detention center. In the last five years they have been sending far more young white kids to prison, but that's greed.)
Another arguement is don't bunch all white people together. This I would agree with. What ever their origin their are different white people. Some are new to America and don't really understand all of the historical and cultural infigting. So many say, "I and my family had nothing to do with all of that slavery and segregations stuff." But then I would say why are you taking any side at all. You'll say, "Because I'm white." I'll say, "So what." You say all white people shouldn't be lump together but if you weren't lumping yourself with all whites to some degree, the "guilt trip" none of it, would bother you. So you need to figure that out. You would say well other lump me in. I'll say, "Well tell them your family came recently, after all that other stuff. If that isn't enought to deter them they are irrational. Just move on.
Of course then you have people who have been during those dark times. Or their family were there. Their families may even had participated. They say, "yeah but that wasn't me, that was them. Don't blame me from stuff in the past." One of those sins of my father agruments. Of course in the bible the sins of your father did weigh on you as well.
There is a underlining thing to that "guilt" or empathy. If you say that because whites now, had nothing to do with slavery or segregation they shouldn't feel guilt for it. Well that's not actually true, but not only for whites, black should have some guilt but only a small degree, foreigners now citizens should feel some guilt or empathy to a small or great degree(empathy great, guilt small). And anyone else living in America. Why you say? Because you benefit from slavery. Every person living in America does, it doesn't matter how long they or their family have been here, is benefitting off slavery. America wouldn't be the economic powerhouse it is today without slavery. That is a fact.
The idea that because you weren't physically there it should not matter to you or anyone else. Well if I follow that logic completely. You or me or anyone else can't call themselves American. America was created in the American Revolution. So only those that were in the Revolution can be Americans. Of course we don't do this. We, all of us that call ourselves Americans, have benefitted from the acts of those people. From the acts of the people during the Civil War to keep America whole, and from those of War World two that protected it from possibly being conquered.
You can't say well I benefit from those things and they were "positive" (the quotes are because it's war) in history so I'll feel a connection to that but slavery makes me feel things I don't like so I'll say "don't blame me for that." Another example is Native Americans, the conquering and also theft (I say theft when treaties were made and then dishonored, that's not conquering) of Native lands. We are able to live here because of that, but having Empathy or some degree of guilt not just for what was done but how NAs are treated now by America should be felt. People that feel this realize that it wasn't just noble acts but also dishonorable acts that made their comfortable lifes.
Being an American, No matter you Origins, no matter the length you or your family has been American. You benefit from the blood, sweat and tears of all these people. Whether it be noble act or a stain on our history. As an American you have to take the good with the bad, because you are benefitting from them. Whether you like it or not. Only way to change that is to not be or live in America (Why the hell would anyone not want to). So what does it hurt you to have some empathy. The only way the logic works of denying slavery, is if you say nothing in the past affects life now, or makes life now. Which is a ludicrous statement.
Friday, July 29, 2011
A documentary on the history and present situation of the drink, Absinthe.
For a few years I've been wanting to try this drink. From what I knew of it, I didn't want to drink something that wasn't genuine. I may have to try this Lucid Absinthe.
Oh and sidenote, the American law that says, you can't just call it Absinthe, is ridiculous.
For a few years I've been wanting to try this drink. From what I knew of it, I didn't want to drink something that wasn't genuine. I may have to try this Lucid Absinthe.
Oh and sidenote, the American law that says, you can't just call it Absinthe, is ridiculous.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Sleep Virtual Choir
Had to add the virtual choir to the blog.
Eric Whitacre Virtual Choir sleep over 2,000 voices on youtube.
Eric Whitacre Virtual Choir sleep over 2,000 voices on youtube.
the internet,
the world,
This documentary is about the technologies of gas engines and how we should have better technology now and why we do not. Very interesting film. The beginning is a bit conspiracy driven but the later film is very well done about American's energy policy.
P.S. Standard oil is back it's called Exxon/mobile.
P.S. Standard oil is back it's called Exxon/mobile.
Cap and Trade is STUPID
Cap and Trade is a scheme that politicians want because it allows them to appear as if they are doing something when in reality nothing has been done.
In the idea of Cap and Trade, corporations say to the government you MUST pay us to not pollute the earth. Also the corporations say we should make money for the pollution we are not creating.
Also the corporations are able to trade on the idea that if they are making pollution they can trade carbon credits with those that do not pollute allowing them to pollute at standard or more. Or Those that don't pollute can buy credits so they can pollute at standard or more. AMAZING In the words of Penn and Teller this is BUllSHIT!
Instead of doing the brave thing as politicians and taxing those that pollute. Or regulating pollution. They instead are either in the pocket of these corporation or like the comforts that this society is built on. You see the corporations don't want to be forced to put their money to work on better was of making products. If the government was to force and or tax them that would be BIG GOVERNMENT and that is wrong. Let the free market handle it. The free market is not about protecting the public. The free market is about selling comforts to the public. Government is suppose to protect the public.
Rome fell because it's politician cared more about their own interest than that of the people of the empire. There are many reasons for Rome's collapse but this is the main reason.
Cap and Trade is another policies based on emotion, allowing people to feel better. It is not based on logic or science but it allows people to "feel" like they are helping the environment.
In the idea of Cap and Trade, corporations say to the government you MUST pay us to not pollute the earth. Also the corporations say we should make money for the pollution we are not creating.
Also the corporations are able to trade on the idea that if they are making pollution they can trade carbon credits with those that do not pollute allowing them to pollute at standard or more. Or Those that don't pollute can buy credits so they can pollute at standard or more. AMAZING In the words of Penn and Teller this is BUllSHIT!
Instead of doing the brave thing as politicians and taxing those that pollute. Or regulating pollution. They instead are either in the pocket of these corporation or like the comforts that this society is built on. You see the corporations don't want to be forced to put their money to work on better was of making products. If the government was to force and or tax them that would be BIG GOVERNMENT and that is wrong. Let the free market handle it. The free market is not about protecting the public. The free market is about selling comforts to the public. Government is suppose to protect the public.
Rome fell because it's politician cared more about their own interest than that of the people of the empire. There are many reasons for Rome's collapse but this is the main reason.
Cap and Trade is another policies based on emotion, allowing people to feel better. It is not based on logic or science but it allows people to "feel" like they are helping the environment.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Eythor Bender Demos Human Exoskeltons
I find the human exoskelton to be very cool. Most people think this is the beginning to Iron Man type suits. Making people walk again after being paralyzed for years is pretty damn bad ass on it's own.
The military will have the HULC that will allow soldiers to carry hundreds of lbs of more weight.
While eLEGS will help those that were once wheelchair bound walk again.
The military will have the HULC that will allow soldiers to carry hundreds of lbs of more weight.
While eLEGS will help those that were once wheelchair bound walk again.
Eric Whitacre Virtual Choir
I was on the TED website and looked at this and had no real idea what it was about. I'm glad I actually watched this. This Virtual or Viral Choir sounds amazing. The first Choir by Eric Whitacre on YouTube has about 200 people soon the second one will come out with over 2,000.
Watch this learn how it came about and see (hear)for yourself. I think projects of this caliber this show what true global internet artist collaboration should be.
After you watch the TEDtalk with Eric Whitacre you can listen to the first Virtual Choir, LUX AURUMQUE.
When they place the next one up I'll add that video as well.
Watch this learn how it came about and see (hear)for yourself. I think projects of this caliber this show what true global internet artist collaboration should be.
After you watch the TEDtalk with Eric Whitacre you can listen to the first Virtual Choir, LUX AURUMQUE.
When they place the next one up I'll add that video as well.
the internet,
the world,
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Owning the Weather
This is a documentary about GEO-ENGINEERING... Controlling the weather.
Best line (paraphrasing) The idea of controlling the weather use to be believed to be in the realm of Gods and magicians but now we think we can do it too.
Next best line (paraphrasing) The people for geo-engineering want me to believe that the same creature that can't control how many chili dogs he intakes should be in control of the weather.
Climate Change is a good reason for wanting to be able to control the weather. However after looking at the last century people's responsibility with technology and weapons I'm not all that optimistic.
Ionizing the air is an insane idea. I don't care if it is Russian technology or not. Stay away from this.
There is a treated since the Vietnam war to not use weather modification in Hostile ways... war, weapons, military, etc I imagine. The things I learn we have treaties for. I'm surprised to learn they use weather modification during the Vietnam war.
Instead of telling Nixon not make corporations and the country to stop putting more pollution into the air they decide hey lets do some crazy geo-engineering scheme so we don't have to actually be responsible.
Interesting subject.
Best line (paraphrasing) The idea of controlling the weather use to be believed to be in the realm of Gods and magicians but now we think we can do it too.
Next best line (paraphrasing) The people for geo-engineering want me to believe that the same creature that can't control how many chili dogs he intakes should be in control of the weather.
Climate Change is a good reason for wanting to be able to control the weather. However after looking at the last century people's responsibility with technology and weapons I'm not all that optimistic.
Ionizing the air is an insane idea. I don't care if it is Russian technology or not. Stay away from this.
There is a treated since the Vietnam war to not use weather modification in Hostile ways... war, weapons, military, etc I imagine. The things I learn we have treaties for. I'm surprised to learn they use weather modification during the Vietnam war.
Instead of telling Nixon not make corporations and the country to stop putting more pollution into the air they decide hey lets do some crazy geo-engineering scheme so we don't have to actually be responsible.
Interesting subject.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Can Science Determine Morality?
Author Sam Harris discusses how science can and does show what is morale.
To me this is simple. Science is about observation. When you observe that certain behavior brings about better human well being then it is morale. If it does not it is immoral. There is behavior done by the individual, then how those individual relate to one another as a community, then as a greater society. Values are and should be the Universal behaviors that allow humans to thrive as individuals, as a community and as a society.
To me this is simple. Science is about observation. When you observe that certain behavior brings about better human well being then it is morale. If it does not it is immoral. There is behavior done by the individual, then how those individual relate to one another as a community, then as a greater society. Values are and should be the Universal behaviors that allow humans to thrive as individuals, as a community and as a society.
Fixing Broken Government
Author Philip K. Howard talks on how to fix laws and budgets in Government. We need Government Legal Reform.
The Constitution is the highest law in the land. Yet written very simply on sixteen pages. So why can't most laws be written just as simply?
The Constitution is the highest law in the land. Yet written very simply on sixteen pages. So why can't most laws be written just as simply?
Thursday, February 10, 2011
believing in God
One argument I see over and over between Atheist and Theist is the belief in God. The Atheist gives the impression that if they had proof of God they would know he exist, so then believe. The Theist give the impression that believing in God is automatically knowing he is real. Both are wrong. Knowing something is real doesn't mean you will Believe in it. And Believing in something doesn't mean you know it is real.
For example, I will use the President of the United States, Barack Obama. Not because I thought it was so special he became president... I have Boondocks reaction to that. I use him because many in the world know of him and many in the world believe in him, some both.
In the United States election over 40% of the population, that voted, did not believe in Barack Obama. They voted for McCain, they knew Obama existed but didn't believe in him. While over 50%, that voted, elected Obama because they knew he existed and many would say they Believed in him.
Knowing someone exist is easy, you are simply aware of them. However believing in someone means you have faith or understanding they will do something that will favor you or be pleasing to you or others, and that they have a plan that you accept. Many voted for Obama cause they believe he would be a great leader and bring change to many of the problems facing America. Even though they give way to much credit to the power of the Office he holds
So God... even if many Atheist knew God existed. The truth is they still wouldn't believe in him. For example, let's say God was standing next to you right now (If you're a believer technically you already think this). Now if you're a non-believer you may have questions. If God wanted you to believe in him, you would ask, just as you do any leader, what believing in him would mean for your present and your future? God (let's use the bible God, but this works for any of them) would say these are the rules I have set down, you live by these and your life will be better, just, moral, prosperous and fruitful.
In here, lies the problem with the Theist argument that they believe in God. Most of them don't live by the rules of a being they say is an ALL POWERFUL BEING, that is everywhere and sees everything. So then, when they don't live by such a beings rules, it's hard for me to believe that they truly know that God is real. They may want it to be so, they may believe but if I knew an all powerful being was aware of everything I did at all times and I have told this being that I will serve it or live by its edicts. Seems to me, I would be learning what those edicts are and making it a habit to live by them at all times.
It's like having a boss but you only follow some of his rules when you like them or think they are socially acceptable. What boss would put up with that?
Now for the Atheist, this is also a problem, because let's say this God, that he knows is real. Has policies, rules and a plan that you don't agree with. Should I do as he commands simply because everyone else believes in him and he is All POWERFUL. Or should I do what I know is right, even if it may only be right for me and say no? Because I do not believe in you.
Now obviously most people would do what such a powerful being commands simply out of fear. Hence the term "God-fearing people", so I imagine if God was standing right next to many Atheist they would become active participates quickly, though this activity still doesn't mean they believe in God. They just believe in staying alive, survival against a force far more stronger than they are.
My point is that believing in God is akin to believing in any Leader. And when a Leader puts forth rules of "morality, justice, law, daily life, relationships, spirituality, religion, and community". That leader has to have a vision that the person can believe in. If the person can't, then why would they believe in that Leader?

Now theist would say God has given a perfect vision. However Atheist would say, reading the first half the bible that is simply not true. Now a Christian would say that the second half is what is important now. (Yet they tend to favor some of the rules in the first half. This situation automatically cancels it's own argument.)

Now Jesus as a Leader believed different things than Yahweh did in the beginning of the Bible. Some of the laws of God do work with Jesus' teachings... many do not. One of the confusing things for Atheist is that when many Christians say God, they combine these two entities, making it hard to accept a belief in either cause they contradict each other. God said kill everyone in Jericho, every animal. Yet Jesus said non-violence no matter what, he died to prove that point.
Now I believe when God created his rule do not kill, he meant that the Chosen People were not to kill one another. God had no problem with them killing others. They weren't his people so why would he care. However, people try to tell you that God loves everyone but actions say he loves those that have a covenant with him.
Now Jesus completely contradicts that, a non-violent stance even when A Roman is whipping the skin off of you (thank you, Mel Gibson I will never forget that image, Passion of the Christ) means he loves everyone. One of his fellow Jews comes out of the crowd as he is carrying the cross and says, they would help him they would fight. What does he say, he says, NO! Holy Crap, now if that isn't believing in what you preach I don't know what is. But here is the problem again, an Atheist may say Jesus teaching are great. I can live by the idea of non-violence but I can't believe in God because he doesn't believe in non-violence, and I don't want to believe Jesus is a God or even divine.

So in that instance, an Atheist may follow the philosophy of Christ: helping the poor, non-violence, perhaps even forsaking material wealth, but that doesn't mean they believe in Christ but rather believe that his message was right.

Theist say to Atheist all the time "What if you're wrong?" Honestly, I think A Theist should be far more afraid of God being real than an Atheist. Think about it this way. Say you had a king, and he passed rules of the land. Then one day you and another person came before this king. You bow to him believing him to be your king, and worship him, and praise him every weekend, or when you can. You follow some of his rules but not all. You may even break his rules sometimes, but hey "Nobody is perfect, right?"
Now this other bloke is standing there before this king. However, he doesn't recognize him as his king. He doesn't live by the rules the king set, however many of the rules he does live by are the same. He does not worship, he does not praise and does not pretend to follow this king. If he breaks the Kings rules, it does not matter they are not his rules, however, he may have similar rules that he does live by.
Now they both are before this king. Now this king may punish the non-believer for not accepting his ways when he lives on his lands. This may or may not be just depending on the character, and actions of that individual. However, the king, will and must punish the believer. He has no choice, this person has given a vow, oath whatever it may be that he will live by the king's laws, serve him, and worship him.
Now using the Bible as an example but again this works with most authority entities in history. They don't accept the "We all aren't perfect excuse." That may work among the commoners but that king is going to punish the believer, harshly, and the king is within his right to. You chose that way of life.

In closing believing in a God, a person, or whatever is not the same as knowing it exist. Knowing someone exist does not mean you have to believe in them. One should believe in a God, person, whatever because that being has presently a vision that will do better, and make progress for the person and the community they belong to.
Some of the rules created five thousand years ago still have credence today. After all human behavior hasn't changed that much. However human understanding has changed a great deal since then, and many of the laws of any religion simply do not hold true and should be discarded.
However here is the Greatest problem with this. An Atheist would say, yes let's keep the ones that make sense and rid ourselves of the ones that our new understanding says are not valid.
A believer a true believer cannot do this. In fact, I don't think they should. You see if you believe your all powerful being has given you these rules, then only that all powerful being can change them. If people change them then they are saying by their actions they don't believe. In such a situation compromise is possible.
For a few hundred years there have been many compromises, most gradual changing what many believers believed. It seems now the argument has come to a point where many say that most of the rules of religions should be done away with, including believing in God. On the other side they want to bring back more of the rules, at least in social settings, on a grander scale in politics. Neither argument will be able to succeed.
Atheists let the people believe in their God. Theists do not force the laws of your God, the ones you accept, on others. This simple thing brings balance, that allows for that compromise. Anything else is vanity on both sides.
For example, I will use the President of the United States, Barack Obama. Not because I thought it was so special he became president... I have Boondocks reaction to that. I use him because many in the world know of him and many in the world believe in him, some both.

In the United States election over 40% of the population, that voted, did not believe in Barack Obama. They voted for McCain, they knew Obama existed but didn't believe in him. While over 50%, that voted, elected Obama because they knew he existed and many would say they Believed in him.
Knowing someone exist is easy, you are simply aware of them. However believing in someone means you have faith or understanding they will do something that will favor you or be pleasing to you or others, and that they have a plan that you accept. Many voted for Obama cause they believe he would be a great leader and bring change to many of the problems facing America. Even though they give way to much credit to the power of the Office he holds
So God... even if many Atheist knew God existed. The truth is they still wouldn't believe in him. For example, let's say God was standing next to you right now (If you're a believer technically you already think this). Now if you're a non-believer you may have questions. If God wanted you to believe in him, you would ask, just as you do any leader, what believing in him would mean for your present and your future? God (let's use the bible God, but this works for any of them) would say these are the rules I have set down, you live by these and your life will be better, just, moral, prosperous and fruitful.
In here, lies the problem with the Theist argument that they believe in God. Most of them don't live by the rules of a being they say is an ALL POWERFUL BEING, that is everywhere and sees everything. So then, when they don't live by such a beings rules, it's hard for me to believe that they truly know that God is real. They may want it to be so, they may believe but if I knew an all powerful being was aware of everything I did at all times and I have told this being that I will serve it or live by its edicts. Seems to me, I would be learning what those edicts are and making it a habit to live by them at all times.

It's like having a boss but you only follow some of his rules when you like them or think they are socially acceptable. What boss would put up with that?
Now for the Atheist, this is also a problem, because let's say this God, that he knows is real. Has policies, rules and a plan that you don't agree with. Should I do as he commands simply because everyone else believes in him and he is All POWERFUL. Or should I do what I know is right, even if it may only be right for me and say no? Because I do not believe in you.
Now obviously most people would do what such a powerful being commands simply out of fear. Hence the term "God-fearing people", so I imagine if God was standing right next to many Atheist they would become active participates quickly, though this activity still doesn't mean they believe in God. They just believe in staying alive, survival against a force far more stronger than they are.
My point is that believing in God is akin to believing in any Leader. And when a Leader puts forth rules of "morality, justice, law, daily life, relationships, spirituality, religion, and community". That leader has to have a vision that the person can believe in. If the person can't, then why would they believe in that Leader?

Now theist would say God has given a perfect vision. However Atheist would say, reading the first half the bible that is simply not true. Now a Christian would say that the second half is what is important now. (Yet they tend to favor some of the rules in the first half. This situation automatically cancels it's own argument.)

Now Jesus as a Leader believed different things than Yahweh did in the beginning of the Bible. Some of the laws of God do work with Jesus' teachings... many do not. One of the confusing things for Atheist is that when many Christians say God, they combine these two entities, making it hard to accept a belief in either cause they contradict each other. God said kill everyone in Jericho, every animal. Yet Jesus said non-violence no matter what, he died to prove that point.
Now I believe when God created his rule do not kill, he meant that the Chosen People were not to kill one another. God had no problem with them killing others. They weren't his people so why would he care. However, people try to tell you that God loves everyone but actions say he loves those that have a covenant with him.
Now Jesus completely contradicts that, a non-violent stance even when A Roman is whipping the skin off of you (thank you, Mel Gibson I will never forget that image, Passion of the Christ) means he loves everyone. One of his fellow Jews comes out of the crowd as he is carrying the cross and says, they would help him they would fight. What does he say, he says, NO! Holy Crap, now if that isn't believing in what you preach I don't know what is. But here is the problem again, an Atheist may say Jesus teaching are great. I can live by the idea of non-violence but I can't believe in God because he doesn't believe in non-violence, and I don't want to believe Jesus is a God or even divine.

So in that instance, an Atheist may follow the philosophy of Christ: helping the poor, non-violence, perhaps even forsaking material wealth, but that doesn't mean they believe in Christ but rather believe that his message was right.

Theist say to Atheist all the time "What if you're wrong?" Honestly, I think A Theist should be far more afraid of God being real than an Atheist. Think about it this way. Say you had a king, and he passed rules of the land. Then one day you and another person came before this king. You bow to him believing him to be your king, and worship him, and praise him every weekend, or when you can. You follow some of his rules but not all. You may even break his rules sometimes, but hey "Nobody is perfect, right?"
Now this other bloke is standing there before this king. However, he doesn't recognize him as his king. He doesn't live by the rules the king set, however many of the rules he does live by are the same. He does not worship, he does not praise and does not pretend to follow this king. If he breaks the Kings rules, it does not matter they are not his rules, however, he may have similar rules that he does live by.
Now they both are before this king. Now this king may punish the non-believer for not accepting his ways when he lives on his lands. This may or may not be just depending on the character, and actions of that individual. However, the king, will and must punish the believer. He has no choice, this person has given a vow, oath whatever it may be that he will live by the king's laws, serve him, and worship him.
Now using the Bible as an example but again this works with most authority entities in history. They don't accept the "We all aren't perfect excuse." That may work among the commoners but that king is going to punish the believer, harshly, and the king is within his right to. You chose that way of life.

In closing believing in a God, a person, or whatever is not the same as knowing it exist. Knowing someone exist does not mean you have to believe in them. One should believe in a God, person, whatever because that being has presently a vision that will do better, and make progress for the person and the community they belong to.
Some of the rules created five thousand years ago still have credence today. After all human behavior hasn't changed that much. However human understanding has changed a great deal since then, and many of the laws of any religion simply do not hold true and should be discarded.
However here is the Greatest problem with this. An Atheist would say, yes let's keep the ones that make sense and rid ourselves of the ones that our new understanding says are not valid.
A believer a true believer cannot do this. In fact, I don't think they should. You see if you believe your all powerful being has given you these rules, then only that all powerful being can change them. If people change them then they are saying by their actions they don't believe. In such a situation compromise is possible.
For a few hundred years there have been many compromises, most gradual changing what many believers believed. It seems now the argument has come to a point where many say that most of the rules of religions should be done away with, including believing in God. On the other side they want to bring back more of the rules, at least in social settings, on a grander scale in politics. Neither argument will be able to succeed.
Atheists let the people believe in their God. Theists do not force the laws of your God, the ones you accept, on others. This simple thing brings balance, that allows for that compromise. Anything else is vanity on both sides.

believe in self,
common sense,
give me hope,
personal thoughts,
the world,
united states of america,
Sunday, January 30, 2011
IP MAN the movie
This movies is bad ass. If you like good movies, and especially good martial arts movies this is for you. I love how they show Wing Chun in this film. For those that don't know Wing Chun is a martial art that was created by a woman. She created a style to defeat larger stronger opponents. The basics are use of skeletal frame, simultaneous attack and defend, short precise attacks, counter attacks and leverage.
The movie isn't historically accurate. However Ip Man was Bruce Lee martial instructor. The movie is about having dignity no matter your circumstance but also allowing others to retain their dignity even when you are superior. That is a continuing theme in many martial arts films. Give respect and you get respect.
There are other Ip Man movies a part 2 and a part 3.
Also there is a Chinese TV series called Wing Chun that I found very enjoyable, with Sammo Hung, (who is in Ip Man 2).
fast forward to 5:58 mark for fight scene.
The movie isn't historically accurate. However Ip Man was Bruce Lee martial instructor. The movie is about having dignity no matter your circumstance but also allowing others to retain their dignity even when you are superior. That is a continuing theme in many martial arts films. Give respect and you get respect.
There are other Ip Man movies a part 2 and a part 3.
Also there is a Chinese TV series called Wing Chun that I found very enjoyable, with Sammo Hung, (who is in Ip Man 2).
fast forward to 5:58 mark for fight scene.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
It's obvious that the ones with money own congress, especially the senate. Simple solution, it must be made illegal for congress to take money or at least large sums from corporations. It should be made a rule that only US citizens can give money to their representatives.
Of course the problem of the rich being about to buy congress is still present with this system but at least it will be their personal money and not the money of what is usually a more lucrative corporation.
Perhaps there should be a limit to how much individuals can give as well.
Yes it is a free country but that doesn't mean that one is free to steal an election or a nation or state policy.
There has to be limits and regulation to protect the whole, You know CHECKS AND BALANCES.
It's obvious that the ones with money own congress, especially the senate. Simple solution, it must be made illegal for congress to take money or at least large sums from corporations. It should be made a rule that only US citizens can give money to their representatives.
Of course the problem of the rich being about to buy congress is still present with this system but at least it will be their personal money and not the money of what is usually a more lucrative corporation.
Perhaps there should be a limit to how much individuals can give as well.
Yes it is a free country but that doesn't mean that one is free to steal an election or a nation or state policy.
There has to be limits and regulation to protect the whole, You know CHECKS AND BALANCES.
I've decided to write short analyzes on the practices, policies, and programs I think need to be changed, reformed or completely done with in the United States of America. However I'm not naive enough to believe a profit based society like the one in the US will completely change for the better of all it's citizens, but I do believe that many things can change for better opportunities of all it's citizens.
I won't focus much, if at all on silly social arguments, for example, to much sex in media or lack of, or too much religion. I find these arguments are used more by people that either have very little understanding, are trying to distract or are simply focused on a small tree in a very large regional forest.
I will attempt to point out a the problem, and then give a simple solution. However I will not even pretend I'm an expert. Only a guy with a bit of insight.
I won't focus much, if at all on silly social arguments, for example, to much sex in media or lack of, or too much religion. I find these arguments are used more by people that either have very little understanding, are trying to distract or are simply focused on a small tree in a very large regional forest.
I will attempt to point out a the problem, and then give a simple solution. However I will not even pretend I'm an expert. Only a guy with a bit of insight.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Walking the Line
This is a Documentary on illegal immigration at the American southern border.
I have to start by saying I'm against illegal immigration. Illegal immigration is wrong it's that's simple. Watching the film I was on the side of property rights and rancher protection groups ideas, but not their execution. They look silly out their in the desert chasing after nothing, at times, and then some seem to self destruct.
When they talk to those that think illegal immigration is the fault of Americas policies they are ridicules. It's not the fault of Americas policies that people die in the desert. Those people choose to walk the desert knowing the risk. I don't think these people helping illegals are committing treason, as some of the vigilante members say. However, they aren't helping the situation become better, in fact they are making it worse.
The moment that actually made me angry is when this professor of Latino studies or something like that compared the vigilante groups to the KKK. As if to say this was equal to Black Americas history of civil rights. It is not. Let's compare stories, quickly.
African came as indentured servants, then were brought as slaves. They lived, grew up in America, African heritage taken away so all they know is American culture. They had few human rights (in the north), no civil rights in the south. Then with non violent protest that shamed America, they gained their civil rights. Black people were here from the beginning of America, then brought here against their will, helping to make it prosperous, they are Americans that fought to be seen as such.
The illegals story. They live in crappy places, with poor economies, and no work for them. So they say, "Hey I don't care about America's laws cause I know I can make a better life for myself there." So they choose to come here, or be smuggled here and then expect to be treated as if they have the right to be here.
Human rights are for all, but I think helping people to cross the border is pushing it. That may be cruel but like I said no one is forcing them. If you don't want to die in the desert, don't go into the bloody desert. However I believe many civil rights are only for American citizens.
Second thing that made me anger. Was that drug runners are using Tribal Nation Lands to bring drugs here and the federal government isn't giving them the means to stop this. Then you have this idiot giving illegals water on this land. So now they not only get water but know they will have very little resistance.
The sad thing is many of these people for illegal immigration think we should let anyone into America. American isn't infinite and does not have infinite resources. Most illegals go to the Southwest. Don't they understand the Southwest is running out of water. The more people they bring to this area, not to mention people born here legally to long standing Americans, are not helping that situation.
The only people I have sympathy for are the Tribal nations people, and the property owners, with the drug runner and illegal traffic problems. And women and possibly children who are smuggled over the border for sexual slavery. People coming here for jobs, (and drugs) are illegal and should be deported. Illegals don't help those people that get visa to work here either, after all, why give more visas out when illegals are here working for cheap.
Last note... the people that come here with visas are migrant workers, the ones that get smuggled, and jump the border are illegals.
I have to start by saying I'm against illegal immigration. Illegal immigration is wrong it's that's simple. Watching the film I was on the side of property rights and rancher protection groups ideas, but not their execution. They look silly out their in the desert chasing after nothing, at times, and then some seem to self destruct.
When they talk to those that think illegal immigration is the fault of Americas policies they are ridicules. It's not the fault of Americas policies that people die in the desert. Those people choose to walk the desert knowing the risk. I don't think these people helping illegals are committing treason, as some of the vigilante members say. However, they aren't helping the situation become better, in fact they are making it worse.
The moment that actually made me angry is when this professor of Latino studies or something like that compared the vigilante groups to the KKK. As if to say this was equal to Black Americas history of civil rights. It is not. Let's compare stories, quickly.
African came as indentured servants, then were brought as slaves. They lived, grew up in America, African heritage taken away so all they know is American culture. They had few human rights (in the north), no civil rights in the south. Then with non violent protest that shamed America, they gained their civil rights. Black people were here from the beginning of America, then brought here against their will, helping to make it prosperous, they are Americans that fought to be seen as such.
The illegals story. They live in crappy places, with poor economies, and no work for them. So they say, "Hey I don't care about America's laws cause I know I can make a better life for myself there." So they choose to come here, or be smuggled here and then expect to be treated as if they have the right to be here.
Human rights are for all, but I think helping people to cross the border is pushing it. That may be cruel but like I said no one is forcing them. If you don't want to die in the desert, don't go into the bloody desert. However I believe many civil rights are only for American citizens.
Second thing that made me anger. Was that drug runners are using Tribal Nation Lands to bring drugs here and the federal government isn't giving them the means to stop this. Then you have this idiot giving illegals water on this land. So now they not only get water but know they will have very little resistance.
The sad thing is many of these people for illegal immigration think we should let anyone into America. American isn't infinite and does not have infinite resources. Most illegals go to the Southwest. Don't they understand the Southwest is running out of water. The more people they bring to this area, not to mention people born here legally to long standing Americans, are not helping that situation.
The only people I have sympathy for are the Tribal nations people, and the property owners, with the drug runner and illegal traffic problems. And women and possibly children who are smuggled over the border for sexual slavery. People coming here for jobs, (and drugs) are illegal and should be deported. Illegals don't help those people that get visa to work here either, after all, why give more visas out when illegals are here working for cheap.
Last note... the people that come here with visas are migrant workers, the ones that get smuggled, and jump the border are illegals.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
The END of the Line
This is a documentary about how over fishing is destroying the worlds fish stocks.
I didn't know that blue tuna was on the endanger species list to I saw this movie. The idea I like best from this film is if people were going out and killing tigers, or gorillas or even whales people would be making an uproar. However because it's fish no one seems to care. When the fish run so low, 2030-2040, that we can't take them from the sea for food people will care then.
Damn the world is really fucking up on this PROFIT based system isn't it. I'm not anti-corporate just anti stupid lol.
I didn't know that blue tuna was on the endanger species list to I saw this movie. The idea I like best from this film is if people were going out and killing tigers, or gorillas or even whales people would be making an uproar. However because it's fish no one seems to care. When the fish run so low, 2030-2040, that we can't take them from the sea for food people will care then.
Damn the world is really fucking up on this PROFIT based system isn't it. I'm not anti-corporate just anti stupid lol.
Needle Thru Brick
This is a very interesting film about how traditional martial arts are disappearing.
One of the things I found most amazing is when an old master said that it would take TEN YEARS to teach a student. The first five were just to learn the kind of person they were. The obvious reason is because you are teaching arts that can kill and you want to be certain that the person that is learning these things won't use them for negative means. It seemed like every old martial arts film I every watch made true.
And for those that watch I think Wushu being taught to children makes sense. Wushu gives conditioning, coordination, and acrobatics, All the cool things we like in our movie martial arts. When they are older they can learn the more traditional forms and hopefully be in the hands of someone that understand how dangerous they could be.
I wish they taught me Wushu when I was a wee one.
One of the things I found most amazing is when an old master said that it would take TEN YEARS to teach a student. The first five were just to learn the kind of person they were. The obvious reason is because you are teaching arts that can kill and you want to be certain that the person that is learning these things won't use them for negative means. It seemed like every old martial arts film I every watch made true.
And for those that watch I think Wushu being taught to children makes sense. Wushu gives conditioning, coordination, and acrobatics, All the cool things we like in our movie martial arts. When they are older they can learn the more traditional forms and hopefully be in the hands of someone that understand how dangerous they could be.
I wish they taught me Wushu when I was a wee one.
FLIGHT FROM DEATH quest for Immortality
This documentary speaks about people's fear of death and how they live their life coping with it subconsciously.
Ants nature secret weapon
Yes I know I watch alot of Documentaries... So many things fascinate me, so I have to have my infotainment. One of the things that always interest me is ants. How can they not they are basically a civilization. They farm and keep livestock, if they start dancing, and writing we should be scared lol.
FRACTAL GEOMETRY is very interesting to me... I'm going to get my math up to study this more. At one moment when they are talking about phone lines the example looks like the I CHING.
Self similarity is amazing in nature.
I think it's cool that the mathematician say that Artist were seeing Fractals for ages.
Self similarity is amazing in nature.
I think it's cool that the mathematician say that Artist were seeing Fractals for ages.
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