Monday, July 17, 2017

Meet the Thirteenth Doctor

They did it! They made the 13th Doctor a woman. This is going to be interesting. I know there will be those that read this and say, Why make the Doctor a woman, blah blah blah blah. The Doctor has been twelve men, TWELVE MEN. Story wise, if you think of it that way, it makes sense to make the Doctor a woman. It creates different story avenues and it is something different from before. When writing a story, especially one that has been on as long as Doctor Who, one has to make changes like this eventually. Otherwise, the stories become stale and predictable. Of course, I know there are those on the internet saying, this is just feminism or SJW pandering. Or one can think of it as socially, and culturally people are ready or more inclined to accept a female version of The Doctor. Personally, I think this will be awesome

Interesting thought, all the male doctors' companions have been female. Will the thirteenth doctor's companion be male or will they stay with the Doctor choosing female companions?

Also, they have made a point that The Doctor and Timelords choose, subconsciously, their face. So why did the Doctor choose this face?

I can't wait til Captain Jack finds out the Doctor is a woman. Then again he would have had sex with the Doctor when he was a man too LOL.

On a side note. I know the actress Jodie Whittaker from Broadchurch and I believe Attack the Block. I think I have seen her in something else but can't recall. Here is hoping the fourteenth doctor is Hayley Atwell (simply cause I love me some Hayley Atwell.).

Sunday, July 9, 2017


Wanderers - a short film by Erik Wernquist [Official Version]
The visuals of possible future space exploration in this video are amazing.

Silicon Valley Doomsday Preppers

Silicon Valley's Doomsday: Prepping For An Economic Apocalypse [Divided America, Pt. 1] | AJ+ Docs

It amazes me how many people don't realize how Automation has and will change jobs and the economy in the next couple of decades. Watch this documentary to see how some Tech savvy people are responding to those coming changes.