Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Minute Men

This is a documentary about Minute Men. Minute men patrol the southern border to keep out illegal immigrates and drug runners.

If you are against Outsourcing, because it is bad for Americas economy, and for American workers. Then you have to also be against Illegal immigration. It is the same principal, doesn't matter if the jobs go to the cheap labor or the cheap labor comes to the job.

Houston we have a problem

Watch this video, if you want to learn about Big Oil, America's hundred year dependency on Hydrocarbons, and the effects of oil on world policies.

The part that explains how Ronald Reagon decimated the oil industry to fight communism was amazing. You never hear Reagonites talk about how Reagan crushed hundreds of thousand of American jobs. Yes it worked but did it hurt Americans, Yes.

50% of electricity comes from COAL, 30% comes from NUCLEAR, 20% from natural GAS.