Saturday, December 6, 2014


My general thoughts about Martial Arts. Most people when they think of Martial Arts they think of Kung Fu or Karate. The truth is there are Martial Arts forms in just about every culture. Some are more studied or are more popular than others. Some people study certain forms because of tradition or heritage. While others study a form because it fits their personality, the way they see themselves and the world.
Many think of Martial Arts as ways to hurt people. In truth there are forms of Martial Arts designed to inflict great trauma to ones opponent. While there are other forms meant only to subdue ones opponent to the point where they can not do harm to you and leaves them as little harmed as possible. If one truly understand a full form one can choose between these extremes no matter the style learned.
Many learn Martial Arts not just for self defense but also for exercise. To gain athleticism, balance, and coordination. Best line I ever heard was. "It doesn't matter how many flips or kicks you do as long as ones fundamentals are strong". In other words you can add the things you think are fun to your form as long as you can do and understand the basics that make it work.
There are forms geared to gaining more mind/body harmony. Many of these forms have meditational practices. Sometimes the meditation has one sitting for a time while others have moving forms. Some will tell you this part may be wishy washy, that it isn't needed and full of existential nonsense and it can be. However meditation at it basic idea is about having control of oneself, of ones emotions.
If you ever watched someone fight using any form. Most of the time you can't tell they are doing any form at all. It looks like brawling, just a lot of punches thrown at the air. This is because these people once in combat become emotional. Whether it's anger, fear, pride, whatever it may be. They have lost control. There is nothing worse than to see a form studied for hours relegated to swinging wildly. Someone who has just learned but has control can look years more proficient than someone who has studied for decades and has no control. Many in sports attempt to get this control through sparring.
Understand to me Martial Arts and Self Defense are not the same thing. Self Defense is usually tactics used to get oneself out of a unwanted situation. Martial Arts is more of a lifestyle or hobby. It becomes part of ones identity, a part of you.
There are many forms of Martial Arts. No matter your personality or level of commitment, one can find a form to suit oneself. Some forms are better for exercise, or if one needs to learn self defense quickly. Some forms are better for meditation or for sport and athleticism.


Athletism and physical strength

Flexibility and balance


Strategy and combat

Teaching, Leadership and patience
This picture says "Wing Chun" but it can be used for any Martial Arts form.

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