Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Monday, January 22, 2018

Charles Bradley cover Black Sabbath Changes

Zero Noel

Mes Yeux Fermes
One of my favorite songs.

Toi Et Moi

Can't find anymore music by this group but will keep looking.

That's the story of Black people of America

The God Anansi explains what it is to be Black in America on the show American Gods.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

How Plants Communicate & Think

This documentary is on how plants communicate with one another. It speaks on the possibility of some plants having thoughts.

How Plants Communicate & Think - Nature Documentary HD

Monday, January 15, 2018

Spider-tailed Horned Viper

There is a snake with a spider as a tail. Yes, you read that right.

Spider-tailed Horned Viper: Persian Horned Viper - Víbora Iraniana Rabo-de-Aranha

Planet Ant

This documentary is about a ants. It is very interesting because they take a whole ant colony and place it in a artificial one so they can record their activities around and inside the complex.

Ants are interesting creatures. They farm, they fight wars, they take slaves, they have mixed groups, they do husbandry, and so much more.

Planet Ant

Dinosaur Ants vs Trap Jaw Ants | MONSTER BUG WARS

Army Ants vs Rainforest Land Crab | MONSTER BUG WARS

"Paramedic" Ants Save the Wounded in Termite Wars - National Geographic

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Code 8 short film

People with power are marginalized and made to work low-end jobs. Film by Stephen Amell and Robbie Amell.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Strange answers to the psychopath test

Jon Ronson author of The Psychopath Test, speaks on what really divides crazy and sane in this Tedtalk.

Monday, January 1, 2018

The Stanford Prison Experiment

BBC documentary on the Stanford Prison Experiment. If you don't know what the experiment is. In 1971 psychologist Philip Zimbardo wanted to see how people would respond in social extremes. Students would be chosen. On a coin flip, some would become guards others would be prisoners in a simulated Prison created on the school's campus.

The experiment is an insight that Authority and environment has a very strong effect on one's behavior. how people will take on and become the roles they are presented or told they are to be in an environment.
It reminds me of the experiment where they take brown and blue-eyed children for an experiment. They tell the blue-eyed children they are less than children with brown eyes. And tell the brown-eyed children they are less than children with blue eyes. If one's society says, acts or treats one in a certain way, treats one without dignity then soon negative and destructive behavior will happen.