Saturday, December 19, 2009

Atlantis - Vision for a people and a nation

The story of Atlantis has always fascinated me yet I admit I have never read the book. Part of me doesn't want to read the translation cause I have a feeling somewhere someone mistranslated maybe that's me just being pessimistic. This story has done the same for many around the world most likely for some of the same reason it has for me.
The idea of an ancient civilization that had greater technology and social graces then any before, during or since is appealing.
Many people say that this isn't possible I don't understand why weren't the people of 10,000 years ago, hell the people of 100,000 years ago homo sapiens just like you. Doesn't that mean that what you accomplished they also could accomplish I think that's egotistical on a grand scale.
What makes this story so good to me is the idea that:
One - They lived on an island. So right from there you know they had much more control over who came and went from their land.
Two - they created great technology that did all the work allowing them to live in leisure and the pursuit of knowledge.
Three - They had great technology, which I doubt they shared much more than maybe some architectural ideas with those they traded with maybe some medical stuff. For the most part it goes with out much deduction they kept their technology to themselves. Some would argue they kept the word in the dark ages. Well it seems smart to me why give such knowledge to people that could be your enemy some day or give it to an enemy or have it stolen. (If most of the industrial nations especially America lived by this idea most of their global problems would be none existent.)
It really doesn't matter to me that the nation existed or not I think it gives the Ideal of what a society should be striving for or be. I don't know what the civilized nations of today are striving for. I don't think any one has the foggiest LOL.
“That's what I'm working for that's the dream. Wow this is hard work”.
I read somewhere that one of the proverb in the bible goes something like this. "If you don't give the people a vision, they will perish." Look at any people that act ignorant, not in the best interest for themselves and community. You will see a people that have no vision, no goal for the group. So what happens is people go to their base instinct (crude but true) eat, sleep, shit, fuck. If this is what your whole life is about, what your community, and nation is about don't expect great things don't expect wonders. They will only come from a few, here and there yet the people at whole will take credit. Think about!

Attracting a worthy partner (mate)

worthiness – attracting worthy partners

It’s about knowing what you want. If you know the type of guy/girl you want, and how she/he will treat you. Then when you start dating a guy/girl and she/he shows signs that she/he isn't it, move on. Don't try to change them don't think it will get better. If his/her character isn't what you’ve been seeking it won't be it.
The problem most women/men make is they think they have to have a good man/woman in order to know what one is like. Truth if you don't make your character equal or better to the character of that good man/woman the odds of that working is minimal. One most make themselves worthy of the type of people they want in their life. This goes for friends too.
Worthiness : the quality or state of having merit or value
So ask yourself do you meet that?
If you are looking for a "good man/woman" do you have the things she/he would value.
I don't mind being mean. This isn't rocket science. The truth most people want things but aren't willing to be worthy of them. Women want men that will treat them like they’re the only one, like they are worth of everything. Yet they lie, or act desperate, or something else. If you really want to be treated like "gold" then you have a character equivalent to it.
In other words get some mental and emotional discipline, use some will power and do the right thing because it's right. I'm not talking about "I pay my own bills," or "I take care of my own." Whatever, this is about character.
Ask yourself one simple question. "If my character is so good why do I attract, and attach myself to men, of low character?"
If my mother taught me anything well, it's this.
I add
Opposites don't attract. When couples fight that is when their opposites are in opposition (fighting). When not fighting is when they are on equal wavelength (when the like is in harmony).
So the thing to do is, take those entire characteristics you want in your man/woman, and have them in yourself.
Other words:
If you have low self esteem.
Expect the people you attract to have low self esteem.
If you are co-dependent.
Expect to attract someone that takes advantage of you cause they have dependency issues too.
Look around people this is a duh. The traits show themselves different but the principles will be the same.
Get it
Got it

gaining wisdom and common sense isn't hard

wisdom(and/or common sense)

Excerpt from last blog:
In other words get some mental and emotional discipline, use some will power and do the right thing because it's right. I'm not talking about "I pay my own bills," or "I take care of my own." Whatever, this is about character.
Common sense is regurgitated by 11 year olds from things they read written by people that are dead. If you read about their life many of these wise people didn't live what they spoke. I know for sure that most people that tell me things of wisdom don't live them. Some in the next sentences they speak will say things that contradict their own words.
This is simple folks. Wisdom isn't cool things to say to seem smart. They aren't cool things to say to seem independent or righteous. They are the intelligent things that you have learned whether from your own experiences or through observation of others. From these learned things you see a course of action that is best for your character.
In other words, for example if all your friends are having sex, and some get pregnant/have children. You decide that is not something you want to do. "Cause having children young is stupid/you can't afford them, and you’re not ready." How many people say that right before this. "It just happened, or I loved them and thought they would be with me forever." BLAH BLAH.
The basis of wisdom is believing in yourself and knowing what is right, with the world, for yourself.
I believe that most people know that "right" thing to do. Yet, because they validate their self worth on what other think, or on whether someone or ones like them. They do the same self-destructive things over and over again. In the end they gain nothing about a few fleeting moment of thrills and highs. Most people are addicted, addicted to people liking them. It's sad.
If your going to put so much attention on something don't put it on something as fleeting as humans emotions. Honestly it's easier to do crack or meth, but in truth most people do these drug to some extent to dull the pain that other don't like them, mostly that they don't like themselves. BLAH BLAH
Chose the person you want to be. If you keep choosing to be, "I need someone to like me, why don't no one like me." Well hit the pipe to ease it I guess, just don't hurt no one. Don't hurt anyone but yourself, and then no on can has any right to complain.

Immortality and/or great longevity


The thing about IMMORTALITY that has always struck me is that it is so possible it’s scary to alot of people.
Many would not want to be immortal they think it would be lonely and don’t want to be young and vibrate as their love ones age and die.
Why do I say it’s possible? Many people think there are as the saying goes, "a million ways to die."

This is not true. Actually if you look at it scientifically there is only three ways to kill someone.

TRAUMA - yes there are many, many ways to induce trauma on someone body. Yet the act of creating trauma is the same. Doing intense damage to the body.

ILLNESS - which in some ways creates trauma to the body as well. Trauma created from foreign bodies whether they are viral, bacterial, or chemical inside the body.

AGE - Growing old is a form of trauma that happens over time because the body can’t regenerate the copied cells. People simply wear out.
I once read somewhere however that when we reach 95 years of age the body stops ageing. Then after that people die simply from the damage that had already accrued or from a trauma.

That is why on highlander the series the idea that only cutting off the head could kill them always worked for me. It was a trauma so severe how could it be healed. Yet the other traumas seem to me like they could be healed and should be.

However when you really think about most people that claim to not want immortality are simply dishonest. Most of these individual want to believe or do in an afterlife. In which the soul is everlasting. So why do they believe in immortality in that form but not physical? Simple truth they believe that reality tells them it is impossible. Nothing tells them that the soul is impossible so they can take it on faith. Also many believe life is “suffering” while the after life will be “paradise”. They don’t want to be immortal in a world of suffering.
The logic seems very flawed.
Many say they don’t want to be immortal if their family and friends will die around them and they will be alone.
Why can’t they make new friends, new family? Or why can’t they be immortal too in this scenario?

Truth is everyone wants to be immortal. Or at the least have great Longevity.
However I do believe that most people or the average person would not want to live for more than a couple hundred years. I believe the emotional ramification of any scenario would simply take its toll eventually.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Futurama's God

Bender meets God?

"If you do too much people depend on you, If you do too little people won't believe in you. You have to use a light touch."
"If you do things right, people won't be sure you done anything at all."

I think that sums it up LOL. Such a great line.

SIMPSONS - Illegal Immigration spoof episode

Simpsons - Illegal Immigration spoof

Yes it is a cartoon. A cartoon that is lampooning a serious political situation.
People attempt to use past immigration to justify illegal immigration. Like the Irish but the Irish came to this country in three ways.
One on their own when it was open for anyone with a boat and permission from royalty or a corporation to do so or indentured servants.
Two as slaves (shhhhh) the English did that for a small time.
Three Ellis Island where it was, guess what legal or they sent you back for what ever reason the country deemed.

Illegal immigration is just people jumping a fence or crossing a border whenever they like.
Some said earlier that Mexico is just taking back what was taken from them in regards to California. Well by that logic Mexico doesn't own California because they took it from Natives. But wait they got it by what War, or just planted a flag and said this is mine. So by that logic American gaining it as a spoil of war makes it a legitimate claim of ownership. To the victor goes the spoils. So by your logic it either belongs to the Natives or to those that occupy it now, you can't have it both ways.

As for all the talk about all the adverse effects of Illegal immigration or all the Lovey dovey talk about we are all humans let them in if they want to come.
It comes down to this simple fact. This is a sovereign country that has LEGAL ways to let immigrants in. It lets in 10s of thousands a year with no problem.

Illegals say I don't care about your laws I'm going to do what I like (by there actions). Then they say well I had it bad so you should just not care about my offenses to your laws.
That is bull.

“Hey I'm going to go sell drug cause my life is sucky, hey you shouldn't arrest me or "deport" me. I'm just trying to make a better life for myself.”

Sorry but by the logic of the people that say let millions break the law just for a better life for one group you are actually saying these people are better than any group that does the same thing in a different way.

“Hey I might be a white collar guy but I want to make life better for myself what does it matter if it will mess up the economy of the country. All that matters is I make my life better for me and my family. (I know you'll say it's different cause they are impoverish, but hey if I'm trying to get rich like the top 1% of this country middle class isn't really far from being impoverish.”
Sorry but that is the true flaw in the logic of your claims.
A country can not just let people come in illegally. Take jobs for cheap wages (which keeps wages low in many fields for actual labor working citizens. Americans will do any job you present them as long as they know they are getting paid a fair price.)
As for the California economy the only places that illegal immigration has helped them is by giving cheap workers to the agricultural, and hospitality section in too many ways it has hurt the state by billions (I think the number at the least was 8 billion but it could of been higher.)
I have studied history and history has proven time and again that a society has to take care of it's own citizens or it will not last. To just take in numbers of other individuals with no control would be destructive and civil suicide. Expanding an Empire is not about controlling just land in actuality it's about how many people also exist in it and how much resources for food, material, social programs, housing and etc it can give to those citizens wisely and productively.
America is powerful but it is not infinite. It can take in many people but LEGALLY.
As for those that just want to shut everyone out no civilization can last that way either. Europe would still be in the dark ages if it wasn't for the knowledge it gain from the Arabic Muslims and Italian roman buildings to study.
Legal and Controlled.
Do it this way and everyone wins.
Real border control, enforce laws, and better (and in some ways) faster legalization (waiting 10 years is insane).
Cause guess what when it's legal they are American no matter where they come from.
And that should be what matters AMERICAN. Not Mexican American, not Chinese American no just AMERICAN. USA bitches LOL.
Also if they are legal you know they didn't come here just for a job, not just for their own selfish reasons but they came to be apart of America (which means following its laws).
And for those that say hey Americans break laws blah blah so. And they have to deal with the system if and when caught. (But hey if I come here illegally for some reason I shouldn't have to deal with that system cause of why? It's a bull argument).
If you come at this problem with true logic and honesty Legal immigration is the only rational system period. If you want to use Emotional irrational diatribe of any kind for or against then all you have is people feeling good or bad and nothing that actually matters for the whole of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA.

Daily Show interviews - torture

DAILY SHOW april 28th CLIFF MAY's Interview

1. Stress positions
Nothing wrong with them for a few hours or a couple days.
11 days is insane. They like to bring up that they had doctors around. Now unless the internet, books, and the science channel has let me down. The average person being force to stay awake for longer than 7-9 days can be lethal. (yes I know some people have done it longer hence the word "average").

"Hey Doc can't this kill him."
"No worries I have a degree I'll bring him back to life."

Had to say that joke.

I think the basic rational understanding should be if it doesn't risk the average person's life it's not torture.

2.Jon made a good point, it may, (I don't know), not be necessary to torture if you had a few more than a couple hundred people that can read and speak Arabic. Also if you didn't fire or kick them out of the military just because they are homosexual. It just seems to gather intel on such a dangerous enemy that you feel you have to torture because you're so afraid you would say to yourself, "let's get some people studying."

"Shouldn't we have more people in our intelligence agency learning to speak Arabic."
"Naw we'll just torture them then they well tell us everything we need to know."
"Umm do you know Arabic."
"Umm yeah if he does talk that may be a problem."

3.Jon misspoke he meant the American Ideals now, not since the beginning of this society. If we go by the old values then Torture is more than OK.

4.Dropping the bomb did not end the war. The Japanese were being bombed by incendiaries every night. They were running low on oil and other supplies. Most didn't think they would last a few more months.
A million Americans lost is also propaganda. It could of be a couple hundred at the most a couple thousand if they destroyed enough naval ships but millions the Japanese started flying planes into ships as a last resort, it wasn't a tactic from the beginning.
The bomb was dropped for a few simple reasons, to see how it would actually effect humans, it was on an island, they weren't white, (being people that allowed American soldiers to be killed in Europe just so certain "historical" buildings wouldn't be destroyed this argument of saving American lives is just a lie.),they could get away with it cause they were in a war (one that was almost over anyways, which seemed to work for them.), It showed that America had the most powerful weapon, (in other words, if any of you want some of this we can do it to you too.)

5.Why would the lawyers need to change or coerce the law to make waterboarding ok if they didn't have to follow these laws. If terrorist don't apply to the Geneva laws then why did the agents have to go to the lawyers??? That isn't logical. If you say they had to go by American laws. I would say well they are still using or abusing the law to get what they want done and not just simply following the law as it is. The moment you have to do that you know you are doing something illegal.

"Hey are you sure that what we are about to do isn't illegal."
"Nah I change the "t" to "L" and the "just" things to bullshit, your covered."
"Dunk away boys."

It seems to me the "right" in their arguments always come from a place of fear. If you or your family or someone else is to be killed, so we have to do blah blah blah.
And the "Left" seems to come from a place of these are the laws and the Ideals that we should be living up to, so don't do blah blah blah.

I don't fancy myself either but if I had to choose one it would be left. Most (not all) of their arguments always seem to come from a more rational point of view (I'm talking torture not every bloody topic, so relax "right boy" you have your topic you can be proud of this just isn't one of them.)

Alexander the Great (quote)

No matter what any one thinks about me, what they plan for me, what they want for me.
All their goals, thoughts, ideas, judgment about me.

Something believed to have been said by ALEXANDER THE GREAT (not exactly)

7 codes of the Samurai

7 codes of the samurai

1. Duty and Loyalty CHU
2. Justice and Morality GI
3. Complete sincerity MAKOTO
4. Polite courtesy REI
5. Compassion JIN
6. Heroic courage YU

For the samurai having done some “thing” or said some “thing”. He knows he owns that “thing”. He is responsible for it and all the consequences that follow. Those in his care to those he is responsible for. He remains fiercely true.

Be acutely honest throughout your dealings wit all people, believe in justice not from others people but from yourself. To the true Samurai there are no shades of gray in the question of honesty and justice. There is only right and wrong.

When a samurai has said he will perform an action. It is as good as done. Nothing will stop him from completing what he has said he will do he does not have to “give his word”. He does not have to “promise”. Speaking and doing are the same action.

Samurai have no reason to be cruel they do not need to prove their strength. A samurai is courteous even to his enemies. Without this outward show of respect, we are nothing more than animals. (Common) A samurai is not only respected for his strength in battle but also by his dealing with other men. The true strength of a samurai becomes apparent during difficult times.

Through intense training the samurai becomes quick and strong. He is not as other men. He develops a power that must be used for the good of all. He has compassion. He helps his fellow man at every opportunity. If an opportunity does not arise he goes out of his way to find one.

Rise up above the masses of people who are afraid to act. Hiding like a turtle in a shell is not living at all. A samurai must have heroic courage. It is absolutely risky. It is dangerous. It is living life completely fully wonderfully. Heroic courage is not blind. It is intelligent and strong.

A true samurai has only one judge of honor and this is himself. Decisions are carried out are reflections of whom you truly are. You cannot hide from yourself. When one is after thine enemy one must be focused. Nothing must get in the way of stopping one from defeating that enemy. NOT even Lord God or Buddha himself.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

first post

If you believe you can

If you believe you can't

You are right

I thought my first post should set up all to come.