Saturday, December 19, 2009

gaining wisdom and common sense isn't hard

wisdom(and/or common sense)

Excerpt from last blog:
In other words get some mental and emotional discipline, use some will power and do the right thing because it's right. I'm not talking about "I pay my own bills," or "I take care of my own." Whatever, this is about character.
Common sense is regurgitated by 11 year olds from things they read written by people that are dead. If you read about their life many of these wise people didn't live what they spoke. I know for sure that most people that tell me things of wisdom don't live them. Some in the next sentences they speak will say things that contradict their own words.
This is simple folks. Wisdom isn't cool things to say to seem smart. They aren't cool things to say to seem independent or righteous. They are the intelligent things that you have learned whether from your own experiences or through observation of others. From these learned things you see a course of action that is best for your character.
In other words, for example if all your friends are having sex, and some get pregnant/have children. You decide that is not something you want to do. "Cause having children young is stupid/you can't afford them, and you’re not ready." How many people say that right before this. "It just happened, or I loved them and thought they would be with me forever." BLAH BLAH.
The basis of wisdom is believing in yourself and knowing what is right, with the world, for yourself.
I believe that most people know that "right" thing to do. Yet, because they validate their self worth on what other think, or on whether someone or ones like them. They do the same self-destructive things over and over again. In the end they gain nothing about a few fleeting moment of thrills and highs. Most people are addicted, addicted to people liking them. It's sad.
If your going to put so much attention on something don't put it on something as fleeting as humans emotions. Honestly it's easier to do crack or meth, but in truth most people do these drug to some extent to dull the pain that other don't like them, mostly that they don't like themselves. BLAH BLAH
Chose the person you want to be. If you keep choosing to be, "I need someone to like me, why don't no one like me." Well hit the pipe to ease it I guess, just don't hurt no one. Don't hurt anyone but yourself, and then no on can has any right to complain.

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