Monday, August 30, 2010

I'm not African American

I know some will read the title and think I'm "self-hating" or a "uncle tom". However think about the title for a moment "African-American". Wouldn't someone from Africa be African American? Yes, I have ancestors from Africa but I'm not from Africa.

Why did the people who choose these Politically Correct terms decide on African-American? Is it because of heritage? Well heritage is based on blood and culture. Most people that have been here in America. That are of descent of the early indentured servants and then American slaves are of mixed heritage. I myself have many ancestors, of Native American and Irish decent. As well as English and perhaps French. So if this title is given based on heritage, based on blood then I'm not African-American.

Perhaps it's based on my culture. I find this weird because even though much of African culture has found a way to exist in our food, dance and language. We here of that descent have created our own "style" intermingled with the influence we gained of seeing and being around other mostly European cultures. This culture is mimicked in Africa (all over the world) as well. It holds up on it's own. So it's not really based on culture. Not to mention because slaves were stripped of most of their African traditions many of their traditions came from America, and their ways became American.

Is the term based on my skin color. If it's based on my skin color then it stupid. Point blank, no doubt about it, stupid. Wouldn't that make it an element, a symptom or blatant racist(true racism cause it is based on keeping someone in position simply because of skin color).

The truth is, I'm not African-American. I'm Black American or just American. I don't know why people can't accept Black American to be the "Politically Correct" term. White people in America don't mind being called White Americans. I've heard on television some like to be called European American. The first time I heard this I thought, "Are they from Europe?" Yet, when you hear people call themselves African-American the first thought people have isn't "Are they from Africa?" It's as if there is this latent thought that no matter how long black people are in America they will always be from Africa. I really don't like this title.

I'm Black American or American. African Americans are from Africa. People always say America is a "Melting Pot" yet they try to put those who are "living melting pots" into these narrow minded, small boxes. If it's easier just say I'm American, after all for many in the world this means, "mixed heritage".

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