Tuesday, November 23, 2010


When watching these films about food, soil, and water. One thing comes up over and over again, POLLUTION. I don't understand people, especially people that want, or have children. I would think these people would most agree about the destructive properties and plague that is pollution.

When I watch the news I see these republican types that talk about economic debt. What about POLLUTION DEBT? They seem to not think of this. In fact these same people want to deregulate laws on these corporations that create this pollution. They say things like the market will make these corporations do the right thing. THIS IS BULLSHIT. Simple reasoning, if you eat chicken, and the chemicals in it accumulate slowly in your body. HOW THE HELL ARE YOU SUPPOSE TO KNOW THIS? You would eat this chicken merrily and never know. If you are living on top of chemical waste, or it is in the air from a factory. How are you suppose to know that the chemicals are slowly accumulating inside of you? How are you suppose to test the ground, the air, the water? That is the job of the government, to PROTECT THE CITIZENSHIP.

Corporation will get away with what ever they can. They don't do what is right. They do what is profitable. The people that say, "the market will rectify things". They make it seem as if the corporations are doing things that are out right destructive. So people well see this and stop buying their products. Problem solved. The problems what they do are not outright. They do things that slowly harm. Things you may not see or have to deal with. Things you wouldn't know about unless you study it or live in the area of the problem.

The corporation is about profit. It is suppose to be the job of the citizens to demand that corporations are responsible for what they do. The consumer will not demand this, the consumer wants the convenience and the cheap products at any cost. Are you a citizen, or a consumer? You can be both as long as you are citizen first.

POLLUTION DEBT is far worse than economic debt. We are seeing the events in small areas here and there in America. From waste in the soil, in the water, in the air. Look up hydraulic fracturing or frakking, see what Dick Cheney and his crony politicians have unleashed on many places in America. How he has opened up land that was once protected land, land designated to be owned by all AMERICAN CITIZENS, to be drilled and polluted. If that wasn't bad enough he also made it so these gas companies are not beholden to many environmental laws. Yes Halliburton is one of these companies, is that really a surprise anymore. It's disgusting.

Ronald Reagan the "genius" he was. Allowed for huge deregulation of environmental laws. He set it up so many rivers, and places can be polluted by corporations. One of those rivers is the Potomac River. This is the river that gives the D.C. area it's water. He basically allowed for the river that gave him his drinking water, to be polluted, now how smart is that. If that doesn't show how short sighted this man was, nothing will convince. The funny thing is many of the environmental laws Reagan took away were put in place by President Nixon. Nixon will go down as a "crook" and Reagan is considered a "hero", this is insane to me.

When ever I hear people talk about economic debt yet seem to not care about it. Many help pollution waste to prosper by being on the side of deregulation. When I hear them say, "Our kids will be paying this economic debt". I sit in disgust thinking, what about the waste your children will deal with in the soil, in the air, in the water, The WATER.

Economic debt seems trivial in the face of the health concerns that will come from this pollution, and that is the least, minor case scenario. The worst case scenario is most of the drinking water becoming contaminated. WHAT WILL YOUR CHILDREN DRINK? But hey economic debt, yeah that is so much worse.

We are dealing with the pollution from the last hundred fifty years. But the worse of it has been since the chemical revolution in the forty and fifties. Whether you like it or not we are in a large chemical experiment. The sad thing is, the experiment isn't being done by a scientist to see how these chemicals, effect the environment, interacts, and accumulates in the environment, animals, and people. No this experiment is done by corporations. These corporations are simply hoping that they can make as much money as possible before any really negative affects come to be learned. And even if it does, it won't matter cause the law says the people would have to show a direct cause and effect from the corporations practices. So the corporations, now and then will be loving that slow accumulation, cause it's difficult to proof.

REGULATION is to protect us from pollution, and irresponsibility of corporations.

P.S. It seems to me that people say to their children that the convenience of their life now is more important than the pollution you will have to live with in the future. How selfish is this?

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