Tuesday, November 23, 2010


This is a documentary about bottled water.

I use one Gatorade bottle that I fill with tap water and lemon juice. However after watching this documentary I looked at the bottom and saw PETE (name of plastic). Now I am thinking of the possible effect of the bottle leaking chemicals into the water. As I use it over and over again. Does this mean I will stop using the bottle, well not until I find me one of those reusable bottles.

Much of what is in this film I knew about already. However if you don't know about the harm that bottle water brings, not only the chemicals of the bottle but the process to create it. As well as the effect of so much plastic on the earth and in the oceans this video will make you more aware.

Also I think the bottle water bills should be in every state. The corporations should pay for the recycling of the bottles. Living in Michigan was sweet, I loved turning bottles in for the ten cents, honestly I wasn't thinking about the environment most of the time when I did.

Holy crap, who knew Nestle was so fucking evil. Then again Willy Wonka made chocolate and he seemed very "suspicious". I mean the original movie, didn't watch that Johnny Depp horror movie version.

I think the most telling part of this video is when Senator Kerry is talking to the head of the FDA. When he says that the FDA relies on the manufacturers to give them studies on what they sell and not independent reports, it was all I needed to hear. Learning that only one person regulates the bottle water industry doesn't even matter after hearing they rely on industry studies but that does make this case even sadder. No wonder people don't trust the government.

All I can say is I believe that water has to be the one, I say the ONE substance that should not be privatize EVER!

Water bottles are like prostitutes. You don't buy the bottle for the water, you buy it for the convenience to throw it away (go away in the prostitutes case).

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