Friday, July 15, 2016

The Democratic Party Failure

I am like many progressives out there. I wanted a Bernie Sanders Democratic candidacy. To me Bernie Sanders represented a candidate with a strong integrity of voting for what he actually said and believed in. Understand I am not saying the current president, President Obama has not done the things he has said he will do because for the most part I believe he has.

I know there are progressives who will be angry reading that last sentence. They will say "President Obama didn't deliver on change". I would counter by saying you weren't listening when he gave those speeches on his policies. You weren't listening when he said, "We have to finish the Afghan war, cause it was our responsibility". Or when he said, "Change can only happen if the people back him and help him". Most of those people went home thinking he would do it all. They forget he said, "We are the people we been waiting for, not I, he didn't say I.

Bernie has the same problem too. So many followers of Bernie Sanders seem too focus on the Presidency but it's good to see some aren't. You can tell the one's who truly understand how the system and politics works. They will use the terms "Revolution", "Progressive Revolution", or "Movement". They understand that this is a movement it isn't hinged one man winning the Presidency.

Something that Bernie Sanders understands too this is why he endorses representatives around the country. These people have progressive ideas. I wouldn't call most of them Democrats. Why? When I think of Democrats I think of Centrist. Which by the way President Obama is. He always was. All one had to do was listen to his speeches to know this. Hillary Clinton on the other hand is not a centrist. She is a Neo-Conservative, which places her to the right of President Obama. What is a Neo-con?

Relating to or denoting a return to a modified form of a traditional viewpoint, in particular a political ideology characterized by an emphasis on free-market capitalism and an interventionist foreign policy.

(That definition fits her perfectly. As if it was written for her. As if her picture could be found by it.)

You may be saying that isn't true. This doesn't fit Hillary Clinton at all. This video explains it pretty well.

Empire Files: Abby Martin Exposes What Hillary Clinton Really Represents

The Democratic Party Establishment nominating Hillary Clinton has done in one move what the Republican Party could only have dreamed to do. It has pushed at least twenty-five percent of the Democratic party away. While the Republicans have been floundering. Doing stupid anti-choice (I refuse to call the stance pro-life) votes, racist vote blocking strategies, pushed for more theocratic government, done another parade of silly candidates for president, and so on. As they did this, making their party seem like a joke, or at least so far right most wouldn't want to vote for them. The Democratic party decides instead on capitalizing on the sentiment of wanting Big Change. They will go against this, and even tamper with the primaries, so that Hillary Clinton will be the nominee.

In one move the Democratic Party helped to create the chance for a true Third Party Presidency. I doubt this will happen this time around. However that won't stop me from voting third party (I will be voting for The Green Party candidate Jill Stein.). This act has made it possible for a third party to become stronger and grow over the next few years. So I would have to thank them for this. It's the only thing I can think to thank them for in a long time that I believe will actually bring about long lasting big changes.

(They have made asses of themselves. It is a fitting mascot.)

Jimmy Dore said it best "I ain't voting for this shit", when talking about the Democratic Party Nominee Hillary Clinton's corruption, policies, and Neo-conservatism.

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