Saturday, July 30, 2016

Jane Elliott Exercise

This is the Blue Eye/Brown Eye test done in the United States of America but I'm not sure when. I think it was in the early 2000s.

For those of you that don't know what the Blue Eye/Brown Eye test is. Jane Elliot takes a group of people. She separates them by blue eyes and brown eyes. She tell the brown eyes to treat the blue eyes as the lesser. The point of this test is to teach the white members of the group how a living in a Racist/discriminating systems feels but also to show the brown eyes why people in such a group don't either know or want to give up the privilege of being in the more powerful group.

You can watch another video here.

This is the same experiment done in the UK. However it doesn't go as well. Most of the white participants refuse to take part in the experiment. However it does show their deep denial of racism. I believe this took place in 2009.

This is the same experiment done in Australia. It's not the full video but it gives you enough to understand the test.

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