Friday, December 18, 2009

SIMPSONS - Illegal Immigration spoof episode

Simpsons - Illegal Immigration spoof

Yes it is a cartoon. A cartoon that is lampooning a serious political situation.
People attempt to use past immigration to justify illegal immigration. Like the Irish but the Irish came to this country in three ways.
One on their own when it was open for anyone with a boat and permission from royalty or a corporation to do so or indentured servants.
Two as slaves (shhhhh) the English did that for a small time.
Three Ellis Island where it was, guess what legal or they sent you back for what ever reason the country deemed.

Illegal immigration is just people jumping a fence or crossing a border whenever they like.
Some said earlier that Mexico is just taking back what was taken from them in regards to California. Well by that logic Mexico doesn't own California because they took it from Natives. But wait they got it by what War, or just planted a flag and said this is mine. So by that logic American gaining it as a spoil of war makes it a legitimate claim of ownership. To the victor goes the spoils. So by your logic it either belongs to the Natives or to those that occupy it now, you can't have it both ways.

As for all the talk about all the adverse effects of Illegal immigration or all the Lovey dovey talk about we are all humans let them in if they want to come.
It comes down to this simple fact. This is a sovereign country that has LEGAL ways to let immigrants in. It lets in 10s of thousands a year with no problem.

Illegals say I don't care about your laws I'm going to do what I like (by there actions). Then they say well I had it bad so you should just not care about my offenses to your laws.
That is bull.

“Hey I'm going to go sell drug cause my life is sucky, hey you shouldn't arrest me or "deport" me. I'm just trying to make a better life for myself.”

Sorry but by the logic of the people that say let millions break the law just for a better life for one group you are actually saying these people are better than any group that does the same thing in a different way.

“Hey I might be a white collar guy but I want to make life better for myself what does it matter if it will mess up the economy of the country. All that matters is I make my life better for me and my family. (I know you'll say it's different cause they are impoverish, but hey if I'm trying to get rich like the top 1% of this country middle class isn't really far from being impoverish.”
Sorry but that is the true flaw in the logic of your claims.
A country can not just let people come in illegally. Take jobs for cheap wages (which keeps wages low in many fields for actual labor working citizens. Americans will do any job you present them as long as they know they are getting paid a fair price.)
As for the California economy the only places that illegal immigration has helped them is by giving cheap workers to the agricultural, and hospitality section in too many ways it has hurt the state by billions (I think the number at the least was 8 billion but it could of been higher.)
I have studied history and history has proven time and again that a society has to take care of it's own citizens or it will not last. To just take in numbers of other individuals with no control would be destructive and civil suicide. Expanding an Empire is not about controlling just land in actuality it's about how many people also exist in it and how much resources for food, material, social programs, housing and etc it can give to those citizens wisely and productively.
America is powerful but it is not infinite. It can take in many people but LEGALLY.
As for those that just want to shut everyone out no civilization can last that way either. Europe would still be in the dark ages if it wasn't for the knowledge it gain from the Arabic Muslims and Italian roman buildings to study.
Legal and Controlled.
Do it this way and everyone wins.
Real border control, enforce laws, and better (and in some ways) faster legalization (waiting 10 years is insane).
Cause guess what when it's legal they are American no matter where they come from.
And that should be what matters AMERICAN. Not Mexican American, not Chinese American no just AMERICAN. USA bitches LOL.
Also if they are legal you know they didn't come here just for a job, not just for their own selfish reasons but they came to be apart of America (which means following its laws).
And for those that say hey Americans break laws blah blah so. And they have to deal with the system if and when caught. (But hey if I come here illegally for some reason I shouldn't have to deal with that system cause of why? It's a bull argument).
If you come at this problem with true logic and honesty Legal immigration is the only rational system period. If you want to use Emotional irrational diatribe of any kind for or against then all you have is people feeling good or bad and nothing that actually matters for the whole of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA.

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