Saturday, January 8, 2011

Walking the Line

This is a Documentary on illegal immigration at the American southern border.
I have to start by saying I'm against illegal immigration. Illegal immigration is wrong it's that's simple. Watching the film I was on the side of property rights and rancher protection groups ideas, but not their execution. They look silly out their in the desert chasing after nothing, at times, and then some seem to self destruct.

When they talk to those that think illegal immigration is the fault of Americas policies they are ridicules. It's not the fault of Americas policies that people die in the desert. Those people choose to walk the desert knowing the risk. I don't think these people helping illegals are committing treason, as some of the vigilante members say. However, they aren't helping the situation become better, in fact they are making it worse.

The moment that actually made me angry is when this professor of Latino studies or something like that compared the vigilante groups to the KKK. As if to say this was equal to Black Americas history of civil rights. It is not. Let's compare stories, quickly.
African came as indentured servants, then were brought as slaves. They lived, grew up in America, African heritage taken away so all they know is American culture. They had few human rights (in the north), no civil rights in the south. Then with non violent protest that shamed America, they gained their civil rights. Black people were here from the beginning of America, then brought here against their will, helping to make it prosperous, they are Americans that fought to be seen as such.

The illegals story. They live in crappy places, with poor economies, and no work for them. So they say, "Hey I don't care about America's laws cause I know I can make a better life for myself there." So they choose to come here, or be smuggled here and then expect to be treated as if they have the right to be here.

Human rights are for all, but I think helping people to cross the border is pushing it. That may be cruel but like I said no one is forcing them. If you don't want to die in the desert, don't go into the bloody desert. However I believe many civil rights are only for American citizens.

Second thing that made me anger. Was that drug runners are using Tribal Nation Lands to bring drugs here and the federal government isn't giving them the means to stop this. Then you have this idiot giving illegals water on this land. So now they not only get water but know they will have very little resistance.

The sad thing is many of these people for illegal immigration think we should let anyone into America. American isn't infinite and does not have infinite resources. Most illegals go to the Southwest. Don't they understand the Southwest is running out of water. The more people they bring to this area, not to mention people born here legally to long standing Americans, are not helping that situation.

The only people I have sympathy for are the Tribal nations people, and the property owners, with the drug runner and illegal traffic problems. And women and possibly children who are smuggled over the border for sexual slavery. People coming here for jobs, (and drugs) are illegal and should be deported. Illegals don't help those people that get visa to work here either, after all, why give more visas out when illegals are here working for cheap.

Last note... the people that come here with visas are migrant workers, the ones that get smuggled, and jump the border are illegals.

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