Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Athena Goddess of War, I so love this name. Ok I first need to speak of a mistake I've made. I thought I wrote this article months ago. Looking at my blog I realized I had not. So here we go.
Some time ago I wrote about the epic IRIS a Korean Drama, an action packed, badass show. Athena is the spin off of IRIS.

Basically IRIS was a military industrial complex protecting itself and it's interest. Athena is a group that is protecting an energy industrial complex. The show is about South Korea creating a new form of energy they want to keep secret until it is ready. Of course Athena knows about it but want to first know how far it has come, then later want to destroy it. They want to keep their control over the world's energy.

The show is very good. I honestly have to say I wasn't as engrossed in it as I was IRIS but don't take that to mean I didn't love this show. I did. The production value is amazing. The acting is very good. Many of the scenes are amazing. The thing about IRIS I was really into was the hero story and how much of a bad ass I found him to be. In Athena I found myself more interested in the lead bad guy (Don't remember his name because it been sometime). In many shows when the bad guy is ahead of the hero four or five steps you don't really get why but here you know why. He knows the hero and his team inside and out. Trust me watch this show and you'll see how, it's insane.

Another thing if you liked IRIS they have a bit of a set up of IRIS two in ATHENA, with the North Korean characters.
I watched this show on Hulu. I believe it is still active on there. Go watch it if you like drama, action, espionage, love stories, and want to be entertained. Have to say I can't wait for part two and IRIS two.

Oh and I love the way they dress in this show, so slick, chic and professional.

(Such a great bad guy)

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