This blog will discuss the things of life that I find interesting in general. Politics, TV, Movies, WOMEN, Opulence, Science, Sci-fi, etc.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
solar storms

Between the year 2011 - 2013 it is possible that there will be an annual eleven year solar storm. You say, "So what?" Well apparently the last cycle storm didn't happen. So many scientist think, if it happens this time it will be double it's normal strength.
Last time something similar happen we were using telegraphs. Some of the telegraph station caught fire, even exploded. You see solar storms have a bad reaction to technology, if it's on, during the storm. In fact it's so bad that, if on, it will render the tech useless from that time on.
So I can imagine you're thinking, "Wait, does that mean the tech we use will be destroyed?" It's possible. Best to turn the stuff off if you start seeing an Aurora Borealis in the sky or the scientist have the time to tell you. Oh yeah they may not see it coming until it's too late. Fun times ahead.
Of course their are many that think it's nothing to worry about. The sun will just balance itself out and we will not have anything to fear. Of course history is not completely on their side. Indeed fun times ahead.
Chinese traffic jam
Monday, August 30, 2010
I'm not African American
I know some will read the title and think I'm "self-hating" or a "uncle tom". However think about the title for a moment "African-American". Wouldn't someone from Africa be African American? Yes, I have ancestors from Africa but I'm not from Africa.
Why did the people who choose these Politically Correct terms decide on African-American? Is it because of heritage? Well heritage is based on blood and culture. Most people that have been here in America. That are of descent of the early indentured servants and then American slaves are of mixed heritage. I myself have many ancestors, of Native American and Irish decent. As well as English and perhaps French. So if this title is given based on heritage, based on blood then I'm not African-American.
Perhaps it's based on my culture. I find this weird because even though much of African culture has found a way to exist in our food, dance and language. We here of that descent have created our own "style" intermingled with the influence we gained of seeing and being around other mostly European cultures. This culture is mimicked in Africa (all over the world) as well. It holds up on it's own. So it's not really based on culture. Not to mention because slaves were stripped of most of their African traditions many of their traditions came from America, and their ways became American.
Is the term based on my skin color. If it's based on my skin color then it stupid. Point blank, no doubt about it, stupid. Wouldn't that make it an element, a symptom or blatant racist(true racism cause it is based on keeping someone in position simply because of skin color).
The truth is, I'm not African-American. I'm Black American or just American. I don't know why people can't accept Black American to be the "Politically Correct" term. White people in America don't mind being called White Americans. I've heard on television some like to be called European American. The first time I heard this I thought, "Are they from Europe?" Yet, when you hear people call themselves African-American the first thought people have isn't "Are they from Africa?" It's as if there is this latent thought that no matter how long black people are in America they will always be from Africa. I really don't like this title.
I'm Black American or American. African Americans are from Africa. People always say America is a "Melting Pot" yet they try to put those who are "living melting pots" into these narrow minded, small boxes. If it's easier just say I'm American, after all for many in the world this means, "mixed heritage".
Why did the people who choose these Politically Correct terms decide on African-American? Is it because of heritage? Well heritage is based on blood and culture. Most people that have been here in America. That are of descent of the early indentured servants and then American slaves are of mixed heritage. I myself have many ancestors, of Native American and Irish decent. As well as English and perhaps French. So if this title is given based on heritage, based on blood then I'm not African-American.
Perhaps it's based on my culture. I find this weird because even though much of African culture has found a way to exist in our food, dance and language. We here of that descent have created our own "style" intermingled with the influence we gained of seeing and being around other mostly European cultures. This culture is mimicked in Africa (all over the world) as well. It holds up on it's own. So it's not really based on culture. Not to mention because slaves were stripped of most of their African traditions many of their traditions came from America, and their ways became American.
Is the term based on my skin color. If it's based on my skin color then it stupid. Point blank, no doubt about it, stupid. Wouldn't that make it an element, a symptom or blatant racist(true racism cause it is based on keeping someone in position simply because of skin color).
The truth is, I'm not African-American. I'm Black American or just American. I don't know why people can't accept Black American to be the "Politically Correct" term. White people in America don't mind being called White Americans. I've heard on television some like to be called European American. The first time I heard this I thought, "Are they from Europe?" Yet, when you hear people call themselves African-American the first thought people have isn't "Are they from Africa?" It's as if there is this latent thought that no matter how long black people are in America they will always be from Africa. I really don't like this title.
I'm Black American or American. African Americans are from Africa. People always say America is a "Melting Pot" yet they try to put those who are "living melting pots" into these narrow minded, small boxes. If it's easier just say I'm American, after all for many in the world this means, "mixed heritage".
Friday, August 27, 2010
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The DCAU or DC animated universe, for over fourteen years has put out some of the best animated stories and work in America. Bruce Tim, Paul Dini and team, in the Justice League created not just one of the best animated series ever but on of the best shows on television. The Justice League and Justice League Unlimited was able to put together a show that has many adult issues yet at the same time children can enjoy too.
I know this is true cause I've watched it with young kids and preteens(family). The kids didn't understand the adult issues but they didn't care all they wanted was to see was Batman and Superman. However it was their first time seeing Wonder Woman and the preteen boy(nephew) saw John Stewart as Green Lantern, after that all I heard was "Where is Batman? Where is Green Lantern?" on every episode.

Another thing that made the show so great other than the great artwork and plots, is the continuity of the story. The continuity moved not just from JL or JLU animated but from animated series done previously.
BATMAN the animated series
SUPERMAN the animated series
not to mention many animated movies for these series still being produced.
I'm ready for WONDER WOMAN the animated series. I think many are. I just hope it's done by the same team with the same continuity.

Other than Batman, Marvel is better in the live action movies area. However when it comes to animated cartoons this team has made the DCAU to a level marvel cartoons doesn't even compare too. Why they aren't still producing this is only to Warner Brothers dismay, No to ours as well.
Justice League theme
Justice League Unlimited theme
Side-note:Women were made strong in JL-JLU. They could carry stories on their own. You won't be sitting there saying to yourself, "Where are the male counterpart characters to these women?"

another Side-note:BATMAN is a good match for WONDER WOMAN... Superman and WonderWoman would never get along romantically.
How to draw owls
Bible like software license

I may have to follow the almighty god, on twitter that is. LOL
I don't do the religion bashing. I respect religion. However I always get a laugh at those that "believe" without knowledge of what they believe.

A coin-shaped specimen embedded in kaolinized siltstone. From the Malbunka Copper Mine, Areyonga, Alice Springs, Gardiner Range, Northern Territory, Australia.
The color of this is just amazing.
Nicholas Winston
In 1938, Nicholas Winton helped 669 Jewish kids escape certain death from the Nazis. He never told anyone that he did this.
Go to the link for the rest of the story. This is the stuff they make movies about.
I like stories were people have personal glory. It's not something they tell everyone about. It reminds me of that saying that you shouldn't blow your own horn. If you really did something exceptional other will blow horns for you.
Go to the link for the rest of the story. This is the stuff they make movies about.
I like stories were people have personal glory. It's not something they tell everyone about. It reminds me of that saying that you shouldn't blow your own horn. If you really did something exceptional other will blow horns for you.
Apple Inc. - traitorware.
Apple inc. is or has invented a new technology that allows them to monitor users of their devices. This technology will allow them to know and stop people from tinkering or manipulating their tech. The traitorware (as named by EFF.org) will allow only authorized users to access the device. So if it's stolen, said thief will not be able to use the device. Also a "responsible party", like the owner or a police officer can come to retrieve the device. You ask, "How will Apple be able to send police to get my stolen property?"
Well, the traitorware will allow for Apple Inc. to know where you are at any give time.
As well as, take a picture of your face, without a flash, any noise, or any indication that a picture has been taken.
It will record your voice, whether or not a phone call is even being made.
It can determine your unique individual heartbeat "signature".
It can determine if the device has been hacked, the device can watch for "a sudden increase in memory usage of the electronic device.
It can monitor your Internet activity or any communication packets that are served to the electronic device and record it.
It can take a photograph of the surrounding location to determine where it is being used.
Basically Apple will always know where you are, who you are, what you are doing, they will even know if you're having a Heart attack.
I knew there was a reason I've been so hesitate to become a Machead.
I don't condemn or condone such technology. I find the part where it protects their technology completely reasonable. Also if people give consent to being monitored, so they don't lose their equipment that is their choice. However I think some of the measures used go further than needed if the goal is to stop tech tinkering or lose.
Well, the traitorware will allow for Apple Inc. to know where you are at any give time.
As well as, take a picture of your face, without a flash, any noise, or any indication that a picture has been taken.
It will record your voice, whether or not a phone call is even being made.
It can determine your unique individual heartbeat "signature".
It can determine if the device has been hacked, the device can watch for "a sudden increase in memory usage of the electronic device.
It can monitor your Internet activity or any communication packets that are served to the electronic device and record it.
It can take a photograph of the surrounding location to determine where it is being used.
Basically Apple will always know where you are, who you are, what you are doing, they will even know if you're having a Heart attack.
I knew there was a reason I've been so hesitate to become a Machead.
I don't condemn or condone such technology. I find the part where it protects their technology completely reasonable. Also if people give consent to being monitored, so they don't lose their equipment that is their choice. However I think some of the measures used go further than needed if the goal is to stop tech tinkering or lose.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010
This is a new era of science... It's a whole new science.
Synthetic life is artificial life. Basically synthetic life is a cell created by humans (with computers) from the fundamental molecules and chemicals of life that make DNA.

Synthetic life will change the world. There is no doubt. Everything from new "bio-fuels" to synthetic biological limbs, to synthetic vaccines, to growing building, to growing synthetic people is possible. (No one will probably make synthetic people but it is possible.)
However it does have it dark side, as all technologies do. One can create some very dangerous bio-weapons from this life as well. Also the same type of fear of "Gray Goo", that came with nanotechnology robots can be attributed to this self replicating artificial life. Also what happens if such life mutates.
Take it even further in the future you could terraform planets. The next ten to twenty years is going to be insanely wondrous technologically.
Synthetic life was created by the same man and team (Craig Venter and the J. Craig Venter Institute) that mapped the human genome. They have mapped more of the diverse genetic microbial life of the oceans than anyone else.
This video can explain Synthetic life creation better than I.
Your world has change more than you may know.
Synthetic life is artificial life. Basically synthetic life is a cell created by humans (with computers) from the fundamental molecules and chemicals of life that make DNA.

Synthetic life will change the world. There is no doubt. Everything from new "bio-fuels" to synthetic biological limbs, to synthetic vaccines, to growing building, to growing synthetic people is possible. (No one will probably make synthetic people but it is possible.)
However it does have it dark side, as all technologies do. One can create some very dangerous bio-weapons from this life as well. Also the same type of fear of "Gray Goo", that came with nanotechnology robots can be attributed to this self replicating artificial life. Also what happens if such life mutates.
Take it even further in the future you could terraform planets. The next ten to twenty years is going to be insanely wondrous technologically.
Synthetic life was created by the same man and team (Craig Venter and the J. Craig Venter Institute) that mapped the human genome. They have mapped more of the diverse genetic microbial life of the oceans than anyone else.

This video can explain Synthetic life creation better than I.
Your world has change more than you may know.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
MARS - Taiwainese Drama

Mars is the first Asian drama I could watch completely through. Since I watched this I have been able to watch many others. I watched this years ago but I still think it's one of the best stories of any Asian drama. I think that Taiwanese and Korean dramas are usually the best. This story has been done in Japanese too, but after watching the Taiwanese version I didn't see a need to watch any other. It makes sense that it would be made in japan the story is based on a Japanese Manga.
Mars is like most of these stories. Trouble guy with a dark history. In most of these stories mothers are either a very great influence on a child or very negative. In this case negative. Also the lead character, Ling or Zero, once had a twin and because of tragedy that bond is broken and he blames himself.
The opposite is true for the lead girl who father is a negative influence on her development. The two of them find each other. And the story starts. It also has the typical bad boy but sensitive motif that many of these stories follow.
And for those types that need such things(I'm one), it has some cool motorcycle races and stunt crashes too.
I think what made this story watchable for me was that it is very dark at times. The reason I say that is stories before this one that I attempted to watch were just to silly, sad, or "romantic". This one has those things but the darkness of it brings a balance.
I think if it's your first time attempting to watch a asian drama you can't go wrong with Mars. I think I watched this on Crunchyroll.com. Crunchyroll is the place to go to watch anything and all things of Asian entertainment.
This is the theme song. By Alan Kuo. It's badass took forever to find this song to put on my Ipod.
This video gives a pretty good run through the various stories of Mars.
I finished watching the whole Kdrama of The Great Queen SeonDeok. Great story very good. If you like historical dramas you will like this story. I watched it on Hulu.com but I believe it can be watched on Dramafever.com.
The story of Seondeok is of a girl who is born a twin to the royal family. The problem is there is a prophecy that says twins born to a king will be the end of the male line. A powerful consort has most of the noble at her control (is actually considered the true ruler of the country, just not in name). She wants to be queen and has tried to marry into the royal family. If this twin birth is learned of it will destroy the royal house. So the King sends the second born twin away. However the consort sends her men after the child.
Years later the child returns to find out her two lineage. She decide that she will not only take her rightful place but also become QUEEN. One problem there has never been a Queen of the country SILLA in it's seven hundred years of history.


Lady Misil

What I loved about this story the most was the battle between Lady Misil and Queen Seondeok. From what I understand it isn't completely historically accurate. However I like how in the drama they created this hatred between the two. Then this strong envy of one another as they understood each other more and more. Then this great respect, a respect that was even greater than the hatred at times. That is what kept me watching this for hours.

Thought I'll put a little history to show that the "Impossible Dream" was realized.
The story of Seondeok is of a girl who is born a twin to the royal family. The problem is there is a prophecy that says twins born to a king will be the end of the male line. A powerful consort has most of the noble at her control (is actually considered the true ruler of the country, just not in name). She wants to be queen and has tried to marry into the royal family. If this twin birth is learned of it will destroy the royal house. So the King sends the second born twin away. However the consort sends her men after the child.
Years later the child returns to find out her two lineage. She decide that she will not only take her rightful place but also become QUEEN. One problem there has never been a Queen of the country SILLA in it's seven hundred years of history.


Lady Misil

What I loved about this story the most was the battle between Lady Misil and Queen Seondeok. From what I understand it isn't completely historically accurate. However I like how in the drama they created this hatred between the two. Then this strong envy of one another as they understood each other more and more. Then this great respect, a respect that was even greater than the hatred at times. That is what kept me watching this for hours.

Thought I'll put a little history to show that the "Impossible Dream" was realized.
Asian dramas,
the world,
Friday, August 20, 2010
This Jellyfish has the ability to "reverse" age. It can make itself age backwards to before sexual maturity. Based on what science knows about this cellular change, this jellyfish could do this infinitely, rendering it "IMMORTAL". Science calls this "Biological Immortality". However this doesn't mean it lives forever. The jellyfish is still prey for other animals like sharks, and can fall to disease.
For those that think immortality isn't natural. Here is one version and case of it being so.

For those that think immortality isn't natural. Here is one version and case of it being so.

The word Racist or Racism is used far too much. When most people speak of Racism what they really mean is prejudice. Prejudice is almost inescapable. And if someone wishes to keep their prejudgments of a group or individual when facts show otherwise, these people are called bigots.
How I understand it. Racism is, someone of a different "race" (such a stupid concept) oppresses someone based on skin color or origin of geography. Now for this to work that person has to have power over the other person or group. This is one of the main problems I have with people that scream racism. For example someone calling you a name, or word isn't Racism. For that to be racism that person has to have power over you. The only way someone calling you a name or word has power over you, is if you allow it. Seems simple, but people still get all sensitive when they hear certain words or phrases.
Of course people of power or those that have power, shouldn't have or think in these ways cause that can easily lead to bad things, situations. But if they don't have any power. Don't give it to them. That simple!
How I understand it. Racism is, someone of a different "race" (such a stupid concept) oppresses someone based on skin color or origin of geography. Now for this to work that person has to have power over the other person or group. This is one of the main problems I have with people that scream racism. For example someone calling you a name, or word isn't Racism. For that to be racism that person has to have power over you. The only way someone calling you a name or word has power over you, is if you allow it. Seems simple, but people still get all sensitive when they hear certain words or phrases.
Of course people of power or those that have power, shouldn't have or think in these ways cause that can easily lead to bad things, situations. But if they don't have any power. Don't give it to them. That simple!
Samantha James - Rain
Samantha James song "Rain".
I love this song. I love how smooth this woman's voice sounds. Gives good feelings.
I love this song. I love how smooth this woman's voice sounds. Gives good feelings.
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