The DCAU or DC animated universe, for over fourteen years has put out some of the best animated stories and work in America. Bruce Tim, Paul Dini and team, in the Justice League created not just one of the best animated series ever but on of the best shows on television. The Justice League and Justice League Unlimited was able to put together a show that has many adult issues yet at the same time children can enjoy too.
I know this is true cause I've watched it with young kids and preteens(family). The kids didn't understand the adult issues but they didn't care all they wanted was to see was Batman and Superman. However it was their first time seeing Wonder Woman and the preteen boy(nephew) saw John Stewart as Green Lantern, after that all I heard was "Where is Batman? Where is Green Lantern?" on every episode.

Another thing that made the show so great other than the great artwork and plots, is the continuity of the story. The continuity moved not just from JL or JLU animated but from animated series done previously.
BATMAN the animated series
SUPERMAN the animated series
not to mention many animated movies for these series still being produced.
I'm ready for WONDER WOMAN the animated series. I think many are. I just hope it's done by the same team with the same continuity.

Other than Batman, Marvel is better in the live action movies area. However when it comes to animated cartoons this team has made the DCAU to a level marvel cartoons doesn't even compare too. Why they aren't still producing this is only to Warner Brothers dismay, No to ours as well.
Justice League theme
Justice League Unlimited theme
Side-note:Women were made strong in JL-JLU. They could carry stories on their own. You won't be sitting there saying to yourself, "Where are the male counterpart characters to these women?"

another Side-note:BATMAN is a good match for WONDER WOMAN... Superman and WonderWoman would never get along romantically.
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