This show is on SHOWTIME check it out. If for anything find the episode on Lie Detectors. If you have any faith in them after that show you won't.

If I remember this correctly, this image came from an episode of an idiot who was trying to show how people (especially children)that play first person shooters will become crazed killers. I'll admit that if the kid has the tendencies to want to use guns and kill then they will be attracted to these games. However just because a few use these games to help their dark impulses isn't grounds to ban the games. By this reasoning we won't allow alcohol, or driving, or many other things that are dangerous but socially acceptable. If a few idiots can't handle the responsibility doesn't man the majority of the population should be punished.

Watch this show! You, your community, and your nation will be better off for it.
Side-note: HBO has more hype and is it's shows are more talked about but SHOWTIME has more consistently good shows.
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